Welcome to hell

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The griffons who were tied with ropes on trees started to feel uneasy. They started to pull on the ropes to get away but they couldn't escape. "Guys look! The griffons are getting nervous!" Sophia pointed at the griffons. "Whatever there is coming our way. It needs to be scary, meow." Misty looked around. "Uhm guys. I have bad news. We are surrounded." They all looked at Ace and saw him using his power to look at the surroundings. "Oke guys. Let some of the familiars protect the griffons and the others concentrate to protect the others." Gavina stood ready. "Come at us you monsters!" She howled. Then all of a sudden a lot of shadows stormed there place. "They are with so many....." Anfaloz looked shocked at the shadows but came back to his sense in no time. "How more enemies, how more battle fun!" He heard Sophia yell. Anfaloz turned around and saw a big salamander. "Crap! Those aren't just easy things! Those are freaking dragons!" He stepped backwards and felt that he bumped into something.

Misty saw that Sophia was surrounded by dragons. Then she noticed that Anfaloz backed away and ran into an pack dragons. They were all surrounded. They were outnumbered... "What do I do, meow?" She looked again to Anfaloz and noticed he was also looking at her. He nodded his head. His lips formed word. "F.... fi... fire at me, meow? Why would he want that sort of thing, meow?" It wasn't that Misty didn't want to do it but why? "Well why the hell not Anfaloz, meow! You better know what you are doing, meow!" While she was yelling she fired an lightning bolt at Anfaloz. Then everyone saw it. The lightning bolt hit Anfaloz in the chest and it send him flying into the forest. The group and the dragons looked into the forest where Anfaloz went. "W-w-why didn't he dodge it.....me-ow...." After a little while the dragons regained their interest in attacking the group again.

Anfaloz flew through the forest and landed in some bushes not far from the fight. "Damn that hit was harder than I thought." He had asked Misty to fire at him without a reason. "I think I panicked back there" He looked at his hands. They were bleeding but it stopped in a few seconds and his wound disappeared. "Man what am I lucky with this hell fire." Even tho everything was alright he didn't move. "Master! Are you oke?" Anfaloz smiled. "Yeah Vetis. I am alright but don't let anyone notice." Then all of a sudden Vetis appeared in the shadows behind him. "Then I will just do like your death." Anfaloz looked up. "Why are you here then.." Vetis smiled. "When a master dies the familiar will get send back to the place where it came from or it dies as well." "Smart play." Anfaloz laughed silently.

First Vetis was standing on the front to protect the griffon but now she had disappeared into smoke. "Guuuyys!" Mister Jacobs started talking loud. "I think we have a little problem. Just a feeling." Everyone looked at him and saw him looking at where Vetis stood first. "I don't think Anfaloz survived that ...."

"So master what is your plan?" Vetis and Anfaloz where hidden in the forest. "I don't know Vetis. I really don't know. I panicked when I asked Misty to fire at me." Anfaloz looked a bit down. How could he return now like nothing happened? He needed a plan. "Master don't think to much. I see it hurt you." Anfaloz looked mad at Vetis. "Vetis! It's not the time for jokes oke?" They sneaked around and saw the group now clearly. They all were in trouble. "We need to get them away somehow from there." Anfaloz started thinking. "Master, let me distract the dragon. You save your friends." Before Anfaloz could protest Vetis was gone. "Good luck Vetis. Don't die on me oke?"

The group got cornered by the griffons. "Is this the end then?" Mister Jacobs had given up. Then he got poked by Ace. "Sir don't give up so soon." They looked at the dragons. How much where there? They weren't that big as Frost but still there were enough to scare her. Then all of an sudden they heard a voice. "Hey guys there are just ten dragons. But hold on I will make it less." Out of nowhere there came a dark pulse that landed on a dragon. The dragon was death right after. "See? Nine to go." But the voice sounded weaker now. Everyone looked at the air and there they saw Vetis.

"Why did I do that? That was way to much energy." Vetis was tired after she shot down one of the dragons. But she had the attention of all the dragons now. She smiled. "Master your turn now." And she flew to the other side of where the group was cornered. "Hey you stupid dragons! Want to get shot as well?!" She tried to sound strong but it looked like something in her voice betrayed her that she was tired. The dragons rushed at her. They were faster than she predicted so she flew up.

"Psst guys. Over here. Don't ask just follow and leave the griffons. We will get them later." Anfaloz was in the bush almost beside the group. He saw them looked confused but they still followed him. Ace came sneaking right beside Anfaloz. "Dude you scared us all." Anfaloz smiled. "Yeah, I didn't really know what I did back then but now we need to go away. Vetis is distracting the dragons for us." Then they all heard a loud roar. "Sorry master... I failed ..." Then Anfaloz felt an little shock like there was something heavy thrown at him. He stopped and had his eye wide open. "Vetis..." He turned around and started running towards where the dragons where. "Vetis!!" He looked up and saw Vetis going down. It looked like a dragon had bitten in one of her wings and after that he had attacked her with his claws. Anfaloz caught Vetis and felt. "Master .... Just run ... You can just ... summon ... another one..." Anfaloz shook his head. "No! You are my summon. I will not accept someone else!" Then he felt something going over his hand so he looked. It was blood. Then there landed a dragon right in front of him. It looked like he was the one who attacked Vetis because he had also blood on his claw. Anfaloz laid Vetis down. "What is with this world... Everyone and everything tries to kill each other.."

The group finally arrived by the griffons. But stopped. "Guys. Doesn't this feel similar to back then with Ace, meow?" Misty looked with big eyes to Anfaloz. "Yep.." Gavina walked together with the group into the bushes. But they got noticed by a dragon. It flew there way. "Not an option you ugly animal!" Then a circle appeared below the dragon and there came a geyser of blue fire out of it. "You will all pay for what you have done with Vetis!" The group looked at Anfaloz who looked right at the dragons. "You just opened the gates to hell just by doing it." Then sudden everything got dark. The only lights where little blue flame spread around the area. "Burn in hell you ugly creatures!" This time the group noticed that it wasn't Anfaloz his voice. It was heavy. But the dragons still stepped back from Anfaloz. Before they even noticed what happened Anfaloz flew in the sky.

Anfaloz didn't know how he did it but suddenly he felt so much power in his body. He also gained devil wings from fire. Then a magic circle appeared below Vetis and she fell into it. Anfaloz created a giant wall of hell fire around the dragons so they couldn't escape. One dragon still tried to run through but when he hit the wall he got burned alive. "See? There is no way out here now. So just die with a lot of pain!" Anfaloz created a giant ball in his hands above his head. He didn't know how big it was so just threw it at the dragons. The dragons had given up when they saw the ball coming their way. The dragons got hit by the giant ball and got burned. Then Anfaloz lost consciousness and fell down because his devil look disappeared.

Ace ran to the place and used his power to catch Anfaloz in the air. The others came real slowly towards the place. "Hmmm, I smell meat." Gavina looked at the fire that was still going but still ran towards Anfaloz. Ace brought Anfaloz down to the ground and Sophia lifted him of. She used some kind of spell and Anfaloz woke up. "Vetis!!" He stood up and looked at the fire. "Anfaloz can you stop that fire before it destroys the whole forest?" Sophia looked at Anfaloz who just closed his hand while pointing at the fire. The fire stopped immediately. "Now where is Vetis?!" He looked around searching for her but he couldn't find her. He fell down on his knees but then he heard a voice in his head. "No worries master. I'm save. Just let me rest for a while." Anfaloz smiled. "Let me guess. She said she was save?" Anfaloz looked up and saw Ace standing in front of him with his hand out. "Yeah. Yeah she said that." He grabbed Ace's hand and stood up. "Well time to get away here before more come." They all ran to the griffons and untied them.

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