The school

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Its early in the morning when Ember wakes up. She stays in bed for a few minutes just listening to the bird outside her window. That is one of the good things about her house. Its surrounded by a forest so she can hear all animals. She just loves the sound they make. "Oke. Time to get out." Ember stand up and all the animals are all quiet at once. She stand still and is just listening. There is nothing she hears. She walk quietly to the window and looks between the trees. She doesn't see anything. Ember wants to turn away when she sees a shadow jump away between the trees. "What was that and what was it doing here?" a few moments later the animals started doing normal again.

After eating Ember grabs a map of the area. She was lucky enough to find the map in a story on her way back home yesterday or else she wouldn't know he way to the school. She walks to the door and throws her scarf around her neck again. She opens the door and all the animals are quiet again. But this time it's normal because Ember opens the door. After she steps out the door opening they start again. It has been so long that she lives here that the animals around her got used to her. Some of them just come really close to her house but don't run away when Ember comes close to them. This time there was bird just on the window besides the door. "I'm going to school so do you guys watch my house please?" She smiled at the bird knowing that it sounded really stupid if someone heard her say that to a bird.

On the way to the school Ember needed to go through a forest. It was not that far anymore and she knew where she had to go at the end of the way so she put away the map and just started looking around while walking. It was really quiet in the part where she was. "It's almost so quiet as tomorrow when that thing appeared between the trees." Ember just looked around and stopped at once. Right there between the trees. She saw eyes looking at her. But they were weird. Not the same color. "Hey you. Were you at my house at the beginning of this day?" While Ember asked that the shadow turned around and ran away. She still didn't see what it was. But the eyes were weird. After just staring at the place where the shadow disappeared, hoping it came back, Ember started walking further to the school. She walked all the way down the path and never saw the shadow again. The only thing she noticed was that the bird started singing again after the shadow was gone. "Was it that shadow from before at my home?" All those questions but no answer. Ember knew for sure when she saw the shadow again she would follow it and hope to ask them.

Ember finally approached the school. She did see that there were many people at the square. They all looked different. But when she entered the gate she felt being watched. She looked around and noticed that she was the only person there with white hair and a red cap that covered her whole body. She stood still for a second. Then she pulled her hood from here cloak over her head to cover her hair. Everybody started to talk in the groups they were. Everything was really normal and quiet because nobody wanted to talk this hard that others could hear their conversation. But it all changed in a few seconds. "SORRY IM LATE! WAIT FOR ME!" Ember who was just standing just before the gate opening turned around and saw a elven girl with blue hair storm at the school square. She had her eyes shut and just ran without looking. "Wait! Open your eyes! Look where you are running!" It didn't help. The girl didn't listen to Ember and it was to late to set a step aside. The girl ran into Ember. Ember felt backwards but rolled and ended on her feet again. The girl who ran into her fell and crawled up while touching her head. She looked at Ember. "Sorry! I'm really sorry. I didn't meant to run into you I was just thinking I was to late." Ember looked at her and started laughing. The girl looked weird at Ember "Why are you laughing?" Ember pulled the girl up and said that the girl was all covert in mud. The girl looked at herself and start getting a red head. All her clothes were covert in mud and sand because she fell. The girl started getting rid of all the mud and sand of her clothes.

The girl and Ember started talking with each other. "Hi I'm Fabiëne. Sorry for running into you." The girl whose name was Fabiëne looked at the ground. She looked kind of shy even to she is very energetic. It made Ember smile. "Hello I'm Ember and don't worry about it." They kept talking until the doors of the school opened. Everyone was walking inside to the dining room of the school. There everyone could sit where ever they wanted until their names got called and they needed to walk to the teachers.

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