Familiars summoning

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A few days later mister Jacobs started to give Ace lesson in controlling his power. The others got lesson from other teachers. Ember had the luck to get miss Julia as her teacher. She had a scar across her face. Ember knew that she had done it. But even when she gets private lesson in her element she just can't cast any spells. Even with a magic wand. "I will just go home tonight I think. I don't know how I injured her but I can't cast any spells. Even when it's a spell that shows you your element." She gave the wand back to miss Julia and walked to her room. "All these days we all have been practicing. Everyone got better except for me. I'm still an person without powers." She looked at her necklace. She still didn't know what to do with it. She really wanted to know but on the other side she wanted to just throw it away and never look back at it. She looked really good at the wing. Then she noticed a little hole in the bottom. "What is this? Does it need to stand on something? It's to small to put something in it so it has to be that."

"Oke guys. Let's do as I promised a few days back." Mister Jacobs looked around and missed Ember. He looked at Julia who said she was in her room. "Oke I will just do this another time with her. It is time to summon a familiar." They all looked at each other. "Oke, let's do this. You all know that every element has its own spell to summon a familiar. First I want Misty to call one. Let's see who you summon." Misty stepped to the front. Then she casted the summon spell for the lightning wizards. A giant circle lighted up the sky. It was yellow and on every side there came lightning down. After a few seconds the circle disappeared and there came a lightning bolt down to the ground. Misty needed to jump aside to not get hit. There was a hole in the ground where the lightning bolt hit the ground. "Jeez where am I?" A little voice came from the hole. Then they saw a little lion standing there. It was just a cub. Misty walked towards the animal. "Hay I am Misty, meow. Sorry I summoned you is everything alright, meow?" The lion came out of the hole and immediately grew to an adult size. "Yeah everything is oke. My name is Thunder." Misty looked a bit shocked at him. "Let me guess. You wonder how I grow this fast?" she nodded her head. "Well I'm from a place where there are a lot of electric animals. We all are really tiny there. Let's just say we are stuck there as baby's. When we get summoned our live starts for real." Misty walked to the side with Thunder and sat down. "Now it's the turn for Gavina." She stepped to the front and casted the fire summon spell. Before her there started a fire. It was as tall as Gavina. Then a something jumped out. It was small but fast. Then the flame stopped. Gavina looked around and saw nothing. "Come out, come out where ever you are." She smiled and turned into a wolf. She smelled something new so she walked to it. Then out of nowhere something jumped on her. When she looked she noticed it was a other wolf. "Hay I'm Gavina." She pushed the wolf of her and turned into a human again. "Hello Gavina. I am Kiba." The wolf was white. "I more a hunt wolf then a wizard wolf but I will try to help you as much as I can." Gavina and Kiba walked to the side and sat down beside misty and Thunder. "Oke Ace your turn." Ace walked to the front and casted the summon spell of nature but nothing happened. "Sir did I say my spell correct?" Mister Jacobs looked in the book and nodded. "Yeah you said it perfectly but nothing happened. Did you already summon an familiar once?" Ace shook his head. "Well go sit there then. We will try a other time then." Ace sat down by Misty and Gavina who immediately tried to cheer Ace up. "Next up is Anfaloz." Anfaloz stepped forward. Then he casted the fire summon spell. But something was wrong. It didn't do anything. "Mister Jacobs can I have that book for a second?" Anfaloz looked in the book. Then he casted a spell that even the teachers didn't know. But something did happen.

Ember was just laying down on her bed and looked outside. She knew that the others from the group were summoning their familiars so she didn't get scared when she saw lightning and heard fire. "Those are probably from Misty and Gavina. I wonder what kind of familiar they have." Then she heard Ace say a spell so she looked outside. But nothing happened. "Poor Ace. I hope it will work next time." She laid down on her bed again when she heard Anfaloz say the same spell as Gavina but again, nothing happened. Ember wanted to walk outside to cheer them up but then she heard Anfaloz say a different spell and then the dark got dark. So she started running. "What happened?!"

The sky had turned black and the only light that there was came from a magic circle on the ground that was lighted by blue flames. Anfaloz stood in the center. "What is happening!?" Anfaloz looked around him. He saw Ember running towards them. He waved. "Hay Ember, I was just trying to summon a familiar nothing bad." She smiled at his reaction. He was the best in making jokes when he was in trouble. That way he always calmed down everyone. Anfaloz looked to mister Jacobs. "Is this bad?" Mister Jacobs searched in his book for clues so he answered that he didn't know. Then Anfaloz looked up and saw something coming down. "Hey look!" He pointed at it and everyone looked. It started getting some speed and stormed down at Anfaloz. He wanted to jump away but before he could do that he already got hit. "Anfaloz!" Everyone stood up and walked to the circle. Everyone was hold back by the flames except Ember. For some reason the flames dodged her to not get contact with her. She ran to the place where Anfaloz needed to stand but there was only smoke. After a while the sky got brighter and they could see through the smoke. The was a bit creature standing in it. "Don't be afraid you little beast. I did nothing to him." A female voice came out of the smoke and it gave Ember the chills. Then the smoke cleared and they saw a sort of angel kneeling there. They looked good and saw that Anfaloz was below her but he wasn't hurt. The angel stood up and helped Anfaloz on his feet. "You scared me! But lucky enough you save me by preventing yourself from falling." He looked at the angel. "but anyways I am.." The angel shook her head. "I know who you are. Your popular in the world I came from. The boy who is able to control the fire of hell. Anfaloz." Anfaloz looked shocked at her. How did she know! "Anyways let me introduce myself. I am Vetis. Half angel and half demon. They also call me Demon of destruction." Then she looked at Ember. It almost looked like she smiled. "Oke next and last is Fabiëne." Fabiëne stepped forward and casted the summon spell of ice. The floor below her froze and it kept going. In less than a minute the whole area around the school was frozen. Fabiëne looked around her and then everyone heard it. A giant roar. Because of the ice it sounded like it came from everywhere. The Familiars that were summoned got scared and hide behind their master. What was happening?!

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