Chapter 24

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I slowly awakened from my slumber in the morning. My mind was blank as new thoughts started to slowly fill it. I couldn't remember if I had a dream last night, maybe I didn't. But if I did I feel like Marcel would've been it. Marcel, that was the first thought that filled my head. The events that I recently experienced yesterday came back to my mind after. I sat up in my bed and pushed the thick duvet off of me. I examined the outfits I had sprawled across the floor. Careful to step over them, I made my way to the bathroom to get a shower right away. I didn't even know what time it was, but it didn't matter. I washed my hair twice and combed out the tangles of hair that had formed while I was sleeping. Wrapping the towel tightly around my body, I walked to my room to look at what I could wear. I opted for the dark jeans and a long sleeved white lace top. It was still cold out so I put a jacket on top of that too. It was now only 12:15 and I had nothing else to do but wait. That is until my stomach started grumbling. I went downstairs and saw my dad and my brother playing video games. My mother was cleaning and it didn't seem like anyone noticed me when I walked in. I put some bread in the toaster and pulled out butter to layer On top.

"Morning Addy!"

"Hi mum." After that my dad called a good morning to me, letting my brother win when he was distracted "lets play again!" Devon cheered.

"You look nice today." My mother put away the clean dishes in the cupboards above her head.

"Thanks," I smiled, tapping my finger impatiently on the countertop as I waited for the bread to pop up.

"Going somewhere?"

"Yeah. A party."

"A what? Addy why didn't you check with me."

"I checked with dad," I stated. My mother set down the porcelain plate and strode over to my father. "Tim! Why would you not tell me this!" She set her hands on her hips.

"I forgot." My father frowned before quickly being struck with an idea.

"It's fine hun. Let her go have fun. We can do something else that's fun without her."

"Oh, let's go to the fair."

"No, I wanted to go!" My mother and father gave me a stern look simultaneously.

"Please mum," my brother begged. I knew how much he loved spending as much time as he could with my dad.

"Fine, I'll just go with my friends or something." My mother smiled at me and told Devon to go upstairs and get changed. I turned my attention back to the toaster when I heard the bread pop up.

"That was nice of you Addy cake." My dad said. I genuinely smiled at his compliment, but mostly at the childish nickname he still calls me. I finished my buttered toast and by one I was ready to leave. I sat on my laptop upstairs scrolling through my Facebook when Gemma texted me.

-here's the address. I'm warning you our family loves LONG parties. Haha

She texted me the address a few minutes later and I thanked her before going back on my Facebook. At two my parents left the house to take my brother to the fair and I was left alone. I practiced my audition song again because my auditions were tomorrow. I coached myself on how to perfect each note so it sounded similar to the original, but in my own version. 2:23. I grabbed my maroon jacket and put on my white vans. I put mascara and eyeliner on to accentuate my eyes. I left the house at 2:47 and I knew that I was going to be late. The house was about 45 minutes away. I hope they don't mind. Even though it probably is not a good impression to Marcel's other family.

Marcel's POV

"Are you excited?" My mother asked. I nodded my head and gave her the best smile I could provide. We arrived to the house and I fixed the green beanie on my head, only allowing a few curls to peak out at the sides. I took off my glasses and slipped them in my back pocket of my loose jeans. I opened my car door as the rest of my family filed out of the white car. "Hey! My favorite cousin!" Matt came over and gave me a "bro" hug which included a pat on my back.

"What about me?" Gemma pouted. He ran over to her and gave her hug an to ones to the my parents. "Your band got here not to long ago. I told them to start setting up. Is that alright?" Matt draped an arm over my shoulder as he led us into the brick house. We all dispersed in different directions after greeting my aunt and uncle. I made my way into the garden where the band was setting up. The stoned patio was our makeshift stage. "Marcel!" They shouted. I waved to the boys wearing t shirts and jeans while they plugged in their instruments. I helped them set up for another thirty minutes as everyone was still inside the house.

"Is that girl coming?" Zachary asked.

"Yeah, what's her name? Maddi?" Jack asked.

"Addy," I corrected.

"Addy. Is she coming?" Zachary asked again.

"I don't think so."

"Why not," Brent asked.

"I, I uh told her not to?" They all slapped me as a punishment.

"Idiot," Brent mumbled. "Okay, we're done!" I announced after I plugged in the last wire. We strode back into the house and ate with everyone else.

"Marcel," Gemma tapped my arm. "Is Addy here yet?" I almost spit out the citrus flavored drink that was in my mouth.


"It's almost four and I haven't seen her yet. You guys are performing soon right?" I nodded my head, setting down the plastic cup in my hand. She moaned before walking back the way she came. Addy was coming. No no no no. "I'll be right back," I told my cousin as I walked away from him. I walked quickly to the washroom but I stopped when I saw her hair. Her brown wavy hair laid across her shoulders. She was talking to my mum and my aunt. I pulled my eyes from her and opened the door to the washroom. I made sure to lock the door before looking over myself in the mirror.

I readjusted my beanie again. I pulled down the sleeves on my grey sweatshirt to my wrists. I took the glasses out of my back pocket and slipped them on my face. No, they don't look right with the outfit. I leaned into the mirror to make sure my contacts were in place. A light knock came from outside the door. "Occupied," I called out. I put my glasses back in my pocket and flushed the toilet. Just so they would think I was actually using the toilet. I turned on the sink to rub some water on my face. I opened the door and smiled at a girl who must've been a friend of Matt's. I walked out to the patio without looking for Addy again.

"Where's Brent?" I asked Zachary and Jack.

"Probably chatting up some girl," jack snickered.

"Well, we should warm up now. He'll be out soon." Zachary said. I walked over to the mic and did the usual,"check. One, two, check."

"That sounds good," Brent said walking up to his guitar. Brent and Jack played a few chords on their guitars before giving each other a thumbs up. Zachary played a little on the drums and tossed his sticks in the air catching them behind his back. "All good," he said. "Show off," I chuckled. "I'll go tell them to come out. We all remember what songs to play right?" We all nodded our heads at Jack. Soon enough, people starting shuffling out into the garden with drinks or snacks in their hands. Suddenly, my heart started beating loud. I couldn't hear anything but my heartbeat, I was focusing on the sweat forming in my palms. And then I realized that she was doing this, and I haven't broken eye contact with her since I saw her walk through the door.

(A/N :: I have 3K reads and I truly can't believe it! If you like it, please vote and spread the word about it. My Instagram is @marcelfanfic. I post some chapters on there and let you know when I'm updating. Again, THANK YOU!)

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