Chapter 21

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After getting through the boredom filled class of world religion I had to go to World Geography. Conveniently, I had that class with Louis and Marcel. As I sat in my seat I was greeted by Louis across the room with a large wave. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my textbook. I was fed up with Louis already and the day just began. Mostly because he doesn't trust me and now he wants to be my buddy. But what I really wondered was if I truly believed Liam. Hopefully, he wouldn't lie to me about a thing like that. He just gave me a trustworthy and happy vibe. "Hey Addy." Marcel whispered from two seats behind me. The boy behind me shushed him, causing a few giggles to escape from my mouth. I waved my fingers over my shoulder to Marcel without looking at him. I didn't want to get caught by the teacher while she was lecturing us on the geographical structure of ancient Asian civilizations.

The rest of the class went by without any more distractions and quickly grabbed my bag once the bell rang. "Uh.... How are you Addy?" I didn't realize Marcel was walking next to me the entire walk to the South Building. "I'm good. How are you?" I asked politely. It was a little awkward to have such a formal conversation with Marcel. The words felt like they were being forced out of my mouth. "I'm well, erm, actually." I continued walking with him by my side, not saying a word. There was nothing to say really. But he just continued to walk next to me, so I decided to speak up.

"Uh...thanks again. For uh, last night." The words tumbled out of my mouth, I just wanted to rid all the awkward tension between us. A huge smile was on his face as he looked at me.

"Anytime!," he replied quickly. "Erm... Just don't forget about our second date. It will coming very soon." He nudged my arm with his elbow, making me smile.

"I'll be waiting."

"Well, my class is the other way and I have...." He looked at the watch on his wrist. "Uh...about two minutes to get there. I'll see you at lunch!" He kissed my forehead and trotted the other way. The heat of his lips slowly fading from the spot where he just kissed. I couldn't help but smile at his affection.

I sat down in my seat in front of Liam in French class. "Bonjour classe! S'il vous plaît part dans les missions de la nuit dernière et ouvrez vos livres à la page cinquante et un." I reached in my book bag for the homework I just completed this morning. Even though it wasn't my best work, I was still very happy to have finished it.

"Addy. What did she say?" Liam whispered from behind.

"Basically to take out your homework and open your books to page fifty one." He scrambled in his bag to find his work and passes it to the front of the class. "Thanks."

"No problem." I was used to it by now. And I didn't want to be THAT girl who didn't help, or give answers to, others because it was considered cheating and plagiarism. Some of us are better at certain things than others. I am better at French, so I might as well help the people around me.

-------------------------------------------- Before I knew it, it was time for lunch. Which meant meeting Marcel and Louis and Lilly and Georgia at 'our' table in the corner of the cafeteria. I really didn't want to sit with them today. Marcel would probably be sending me a giddy smile the entire time and Louis would bring up any excuse to get me in his eyesight so Zayn could spy on me. Lilly and Georgia would be the fantastic friends they are and bring up the date in front of Marcel, making us both feel awkward. For a second, I thought about sitting with Liam. He seemed like a nice guy and I didn't really know him that well, so it would be good to have a chat with him. But my thoughts changed when I saw him seated with Zayn and Keegan. It would be a lot worse to get pushed around by them at their table then to face a completely humiliating situation with Marcel and Louis. I honestly didn't know what made me so nervous about sitting with them. Maybe it was the thought of being asked a million questions and not being able to make up a good enough excuse to sidetrack it. So I sat at our regular lunch table with everyone else, ready to face whatever was in store for me.

I was picking at my lunch, not really eating it, I wasn't hungry really. "Addy, can I uh, can I ask you something?" Marcel set his banana peel on the table and looked at me, imploring. "Sure?" I said, well asked, cautiously. "I was wondering if you want to come see my band tomorrow?" He whispered very quietly. It was a little hard to hear him over all the other teenage conversations in the room.

"Are you sure?" I asked him. He nodded his head.

"It's at five. We're playing at my cousin's birthday party."

"Isn't that kind of...weird?"


"I don't even know your cousin."

"It's fine," he shrugged. "He's a cool guy."

"What about Louis?"

"What about him?" His eyes were squinted as he tried to understand what I was saying.

"Louis told me he had a-" but I couldn't finish my sentence as I realized what Marcel just said. He has a gig tomorrow that Louis doesn't know about. Louis has a tournament that day that Marcel doesn't know about. So Louis lied to me, of course. What did I expect from him? He just wanted to know what was happening with me. I looked over at him from the corner of my right eye. He looked so, innocent when he laughed. If he wasn't smiling, I would be terrified of him. The way he wears a grimace on his face never ceases to make me want to run away. "What were you going to say?" I was brought back to reality as Marcel was still staring at me.

"I just thought I had something to do Saturday, but yeah I'll be there." I smiled at him as he nodded his head, biting his lip, holding back a huge smile. "You can smile you know." Just as he did I poked his dimples. I never realized how much I missed seeing them so much.

"Dimples?" He laughed.

"You know me so well," I laughed with him. "It's just that I'm so happy. I could, I could. I could kiss you right now Addy." He sat there smiling at me. His hairs tucked neatly to the left side of his head, gelled down to look sharper. His smile could light up a dark city and his eyes were so bright. He couldn't look more perfect. And I never thought I would say that, or what I was about to say next. "Then kiss me." His smile dropped and he looked at me, but didn't hesitate to lean in. He was moving way too slow, I leaned in quickly, smashing my lips onto his. I could tell that I caught him by surprise as I left him a quick kiss on the lips. It felt completely different than the other kisses. Maybe because I was prepared and I actually wanted to kiss him this time. I couldn't help it, he looked so irresistible. When I pulled away I forgot that this was technically our first PDA and Louis, Lilly, and Georgia were all staring at Marcel and I.

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