Allegiances (Alliances)

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A/N: Welcome! This is a story that makes fun of bad/typical Warriors roleplays, and that all of us are very excited to write! I hope that you all will enjoy it! :)

Leader: Loststar. Never around to lead the clan. Perfect in every way, shape and form. Mysterious tabby tom. [Apprentice: Gingerpaw]

Deputy: Strictmoon, very strict and makes sure everything is perfect and follows the warrior code even though he never had an apprentice.

Medicine Cat: Moonmoon, a metallic silver she-cat with sparkling sapphire eyes and a star embedded in her forehead who sometimes acts without thinking [Apprentices: Go down and look, too many to name]

Warriors ~

- Acornleap, a brown tabby tom who is smaller than the average cat. He has green eyes, and is a quick-thinker, a brave cat and is generally quite likeable, although he is quite impatient [Apprentice: Featherpaw]

- Princessheart, a fluffy white purebred Persian with purple eyes who is always pined after by all the toms and attracts other animals (badgers, foxes, etc.), is a little attention-needy

- Firestorm, a battle-scarred, huge flaming orange tom with yellow eyes who sometimes gets a little worked up over small things

- Silvertongue, a silver pelted male tom with bright blue eyes who's very appealing to the ladies

- Dawnripple- toitoishell (hw do i spel itz?) with amber eyes that's always in the place where you least expect her to be

- Glodhart, a gloden Toom hoo haza whit paw & vry nise und kund [Mate: Amethystglimmer]

- Birdwing, a brown and cream she-cat who sometimes doesn't think things through thoroughly

- Snailpelt, a very quiet grey-furred with pale eyes who's very shy [Mate: Dawnstreak]

- Darkshadow, a gray cat covered in black stripes with dark, mysterious green eyes, barely talks, plus speaks in a low tone. He also has a deep secret: his mate is a rogue. His family were all killed by rogues, and unbeknownst to him, his mate is one of the killers

- Heavyleg, a tom with a broken leg that never properly healed

- Brokenface, a tom who tripped as a kit and broke a leg that never healed right, as an apprentice fell off cliff and broke a jaw that never healed right, and as a warrior almost drowned who's lungs never healed right. He limps, has a lisp that gives him a Southern drawl, and hacks and coughs every other word. Likes to say the word 'jiggers' a lot.

- Messyear, shows up at the wrong moments and doesn't go along with the story, butts into everybody's relationships and business, very large ears and a long tail, white fur and green eyes, she-cat

- Twistersoul, black tom, complete outcast, can control some weather and read minds [Mate: Amethystglimmer]

- Leafspot, a tortoiseshell who likes to switch between mates a lot and is slightly clingy

- Quietheart, a grey and white she-cat

- Dividedfur, a beautiful bright yellow she-cat with sparkling blue eyes who has fun breaking up relationships

- Sunclaw, a golden tabby who was captured by Twolegs for a few hours and picked up an Australian accent [Apprentice: Fluffpaw]

- Volebelly, a plain brown tom with yellow eyes and a huge potbelly who's favorite food is vole and favorite feeling is vole in the belly [Mate: Amethystglimmer]

- Teafur, a pale brown tom with yellow eyes [Mate: Amethystglimmer]

- Flameblaze, a ginger tom who likes fighting a lot

Apprentices ~

- (Med Cat Apprentice) Brightpaw, a brown and white tom who's excited by a lot of things [Mentor: Moonmoon]

- (Med Cat Apprentice) Cloudpaw, a white tom who always happy [Mentor: Moonmoon]

- (Med Cat Apprentice) Shadepaw, a dark tom who's extremely sarcastic all the time but inside is a very nice and kind cat who secretly has a crush on Redpaw

- (Med Cat Apprentice) Redpaw, a red she-cat with orange eyes who's very kind and nice [Mentor: Moonmoon]

- Gingerpaw, a white she-cat with leaf-green eyes and a calm disposition [Mentor: Loststar]

- Featherpaw, a blue-gray she-cat with flashing gray eyes who is angered quickly and very snappy and secretly has a crush on Shadepaw [Mentor: Acornleap]

- Fluffpaw, a gray tabby tom with blue eyes who whines a lot [Mentor: Sunclaw]

- Mousepaw, a timid brown she-cat with brown eyes [Mentor: Volebelly]

Queens ~

- Amethystglimmer, a she-cat with shiny pinkish-red, sparkly fur and purple eyes with shiny magenta sparkles and a neon green star on her forehead who has been in the nursery since she became a warrior (has a lot of kits)

- Ross, a red she-cat who doesn't want to be a warrior cat and only stays in the nursery

- Dawnstreak, a fluffy white she-cat with piercing blue eyes who's jealous of Amethystglimmer because she has so many mates

Kits ~

None (they all died)

Elders ~

None (they all died)

Cats Outside the Clans ~

- Wind, a tan tom who has a distant hatred of MoonClan and wishes to sabotage it any way he can

- Old Tom, a gray tom with milky half-blind blue eyes who passes by and exchanges stories with the elders sometimes

Thank Duskie for the time it took to write those down. Thank all the admins for the ideas. Thank StarClan Duskie's here to make all of your lives worthwhile.

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