Chapter 41

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hey guys i know its been a lot time and i am really sry for late update but i have been really busy for last few days. i have been very busy, long working hours n all. ppl remember one thing always stay in college. don't finish it,your life ends aft college life. so here we go with a next chap. 


Next morning Nick woke up with a loud music blasting through his house. He groaned as he buried his head in a pillow when a chorus yelling of his would-be-wife and her best friend ruined his remaining sleep. He got up from his bed angrily and stormed towards Nisha's room. When he reached in her room he was greeted by the sight of two girls jumping on a bed in their pajamas and on the screen there was some hindi song was playing and both of them were dancing like the tall actor in that song. by the looks of it was some old hindi song and both the girls were having quite a laugh while doing some crazy pelvic thrusting movements. 

He hid himself behind the wall as soon as he realised they were about to turn in his direction. He had never seen his girl this happy and carefree, she was laughing ,dancing and singing. All his irritation was vanished into a thin air. He would love to wake up like this every morning if it would make her laugh so much. 


He stood there for quite some time and as soon as the song ended both of them collapsed on the bad ,laughing like crazy,speaking in their mother tongue.  He cleared his throat to gain their attention and both the girls jumped up in surprise. They visibly paled at first but then the sudden realisation dawned on them and they flustered even more in embarrassment. 

"Uhhh....Ummm..I'll go and make some breakfast for us.."

D stammered an excuse and almost ran out of the room,leaving very embarrassed looking Nisha and him alone.

"Uhh..Hi...Go..Good Morning.. Why r u up so early?"

Nisha tried to act normal but failed miserably. Nick silently chuckled to himself,he hated to admit it but he was enjoying her embarrassment. 

"Well ..some nasty music woke me up and then I saw something which is not going to let me get any sleep for next few nights."

He replied suggestively making Nisha blush more harder, he stalked towards her as she backed up,trying to put some distance between them but soon her back hit the wall and once again he had her trapped between him and the wall. He bent down and whispered in her ear,

"Can I have a private show of that dancing after we are married? "

He heard her taking sharp intake of breath and before she could protest ,he started leaving a wet trail of butterfly kisses on her neck,making her gasp in surprise. Before he could proceed a loud ,scolding voice boomed through the room,

"you two are at it again? come on guys keep your hands off each other"

D stormed in the room and stood in front of them ,glaring at them.

Nick huffed in annoyance and let Nisha go,who was now breathing heavily. he loved the effect he had on her. 

"You mister. get dressed and go to work, and you my blushing beauty get dressed we are going to get some work done before tonights gala."

D ordered them before dragging Nisha into the bathroom. Nick decided to go and get ready.

After an hour they were all ready to leave, Nick sent them with Eden and left for work but not before giving Nisha a kiss. She told him to wait for tonight with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Giving him a silent promise that he would be surprised today.

Even after reaching at work his mind was distracted by that silent promise. He decided to give a surprise too maybe it was a perfect time . Tonight would be the night we would ask her the question,tonight he is going to secure their future together ,tonight he will be one step closer to his true intentions. 


Hello ppl, plz don't kill me. i know its been too long and this is a very short update but forgive me because i am not able to write much cause of the time constraint. I would like to thank you all to be so patient with me, and thank you all of those who kept messaging to update. thank you all. Now plz do tell me what do u thnk abt this one. what do u think is happening tonight? 

Billionaire's Indian Bride.On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara