How Can I Ever Get Past This

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Chapter 1

 I lay in my bed, motionless as I stared up at the ceiling. I could not bring myself to make my body move. My entire being felt numb and weak. I couldn’t believe that had just happen to me. Out of all people, why me? I felt degraded and stupid. How would I ever get past what just happened to me?

~4 weeks earlier~ 

"Hey beautiful" I heard Kaylin say from behind me.

"Hey sexy" I said as I turned around to find soft lips pressing against mine. I immediately responded moving my lips against his. I was interrupted from our heated kiss when Andrea; my best friend, called my name. I turned to wear the voice was coming from to see her walking towards us. Andrea was your typical bombshell. She was beautiful. She was tall and have a slim body due to her playing so many sports. Her black hair fell in a bob and cupped her hear-shaped face. She was drop-dead and her green eyes just made her even more pretty.

"What’s up?" she said as she neared us.

"Nothing," I replied  wondering why she had interrupted Kaylin and I’s kiss.

"Well don't get all excited on me for no reason." She said jokingly. I laughed as I linked my arm with Kaylin leaning on him. 

"So what's the plan for tonight?" she asked me.

"There is plan no for you two" Kaylin said butting in. "I'm hanging with my baby tonight."  He muttered while placing a soft kiss on my lips trying to make Andrea jealous. I smiled at him as she rolled her eyes. They were both so funny to me and I loved when Kaylin got jealous of anybody and wanted to occupy all of my time. It made me feel special that he wanted to spend all of his time with me.

“You’re are such a suck up!” Andrea shot at him.

“You just mad,” Kaylin said jokingly. “Baby you better watch her. I swear she wants inside your panties.”

“Shut up Kaylin! When are you going to talk to Nate for me and officially introduce us?”

“Oh my gosh Andrea why do you like him so much?” I groaned.

“Because he’s sexy and sweet.” She replied.

“You don’t even know him.” I stated.

“So, you worried about the wrong thing.” She said. I laughed.

“Uh huh whatever,”

“I’ll talk to him for you.” Kaylin said  “But you owe me.”

“I got you.” Andrea stated as the bell rung. “I’ll see you two later” She said making her way to class.

I looked up at Kaylin and he smiled down at me before kissing me. I was slightly disappointed because I had no classes with him. I wouldn’t get to see him right after school because he played football and his coach stayed working them to keep them in shape for the season.

“I’ll see you later tonight okay?” He said against my lips.

“Okay,” I mumbled. He turned away from me and walked to class and I watched him as he walked away.  Dam, I was in deep. I turned and walked away to my first class. I made my way inside and took a seat at my normal desk.

I slowly went into a daydream as the teacher began to speak about our schedule for the day. I had no interest in what he was saying whatsoever. I wondered what Kaylin had planned for us after school tonight. I was looking forward to an evening spent with him all alone. We always had fun.

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