C | 35

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Hola chicas I'll try to make this chapter but I MIGHT have to continue because I have to leave for my orthodontist appointment shortly.

Mia's pov (Wednesday June 3rd)


Getting up without Hayes by my side was the hardest but I somehow managed. I can't help but cry myself to sleep every night thinking of his touch and how much I miss him. I might just visit him today because I can't deal without seeing him for 5 months.

I get up and pack me some clothes for the night because I'm thinking on staying at my house. Even though my room is empty I'll just sleep in the guest room.

"What are you doing?" I heard someone ask. I forgot Naomi was still here it's going to take some getting used to.

"I'm going home," I simply answer.

"Your ditching college? You came all the way over here to just go back what the f-," I cut her off before she could continue.

"For your information I'll be back tomorrow I'm just visiting Hayes," I tell her as I continue getting everything I'll need.

"Are you even aloud to do that?" She asks.

"Yeah we just have to be back Friday for the tour on Saturday," I explain as I pack my charger and my shoes.

"Okay..." Naomi responds.

"You gonna come?" I asked Naomi.

While she thought about it I grabbed my clothes for, after the shower I was about to take.

"I'm good," she responds.

I'll text Jack and ask him.

Yo you want to go home with me and come back tomorrow afternoon?

As I sent the text I left my phone on the charger since it was on low battery and headed towards the shower.


I got out and wrapped the towel around my body. I walked back into the room and checked my phone to see if Jack texted me.

Yes I'm packing now. Meet you at your dorm in an hour.

The text was sent 30 minutes ago so
he should be here shortly.

I dry my hair with the blow dryer when I'm finished I get changed in some clothes so Jack won't come in and see me in a towel.

I looked over to see what Naomi was doing and she was sleeping. She needs all the rest she can get because from what I hear, college is stressful. I throw my hair up into a high pony tail as I just apply some Chapstick to my lips.

While I sat on my phone playing some video games for the past 10 minutes Jack finally arrived.

"Hey Mimi," Jack G said walking in the room.

"Hola you ready?" I asked him.

He nodded his head as he took a drink from his water bottle.

"Bye Naomi," we said as we left the room and she gave us a muffled 'bye,' back.

"Are we taking my car?" I asked him.

"Nah mines," he said so we searched the parking lot for his car.

We found it after 5 minutes due to the 500 cars parking in here and Jacks looking the same as everyone's. We placed our stuff in the trunk as we started the car.

"Mind if I play some music," I ask as I start the song.

"You already know," he said we drove away from campus.

I searched through a couple channels not bothering to listen to what they were playing and I stopped when I heard a very familiar song.

I looked to Jack as my eyes opened wide.

I jumped up in the seat screaming and laughing.

"Running past flashing lights they distract me from what I need,"

Jack G and I sang along to the song that him and Jack J made its called 'Cold hearted,' it's my favorite song. The reason is because it just has the perfect beat.

"Do you have a girlfriend Jack?"I asked him with a smirk.

"Well I do like this one girl back on campus," he said blushing as we drove down the street.

I opened my eyes and made the 'awe,' noise just to irritate him.

"What's her name," I asked as I was eating a bag of chips that I bought before we left.

"Madison," he said with a smile on his face.

"Oo nice name. Describe her please," I encourage him.

I just love the look on his face when he describes a girl that he fascinates it's really cute.

"She's beautiful. She's really funny and she has the most talented voice," he said. I think he forgot he was even answering my question because he kept talking about everything she likes and dislikes.

As he kept talking I got out my phone to record him talking about her.

When he finally finished for what seemed like an hour of describing this girl I uploaded the video to Twitter and tagged him in the photo with a caption like, I think he fascinates someone. Awe Jack G your growing up too fast!

After I posted it I got a ton of retweets, and comments asking who it was.
I noticed one particular retweet and it had the name Madison in it. I scrolled through her Twitter and she was beautiful.

I stopped at a picture of her and asked Jack if it was her.

"Yep," he said smiling at the picture of her.

I sat back in my seat as I followed her. She followed back and I smiled because I defiantly think they would be a cute couple together.


After the long drive we finally come to Hayes house.

I opened my eyes because I took a nap since I was really tired. I stepped out of the car with Jack G staying behind because he wanted to rest for a little bit. I walked over to the doorstep and knocked three times.

I'm really nervous because I felt like I haven't seen him in forever when in reality it's only been 2 today's.

A couple minutes later the door opens and Hayes comes into view.

"Surprise!" I screamed as I saw my sexy boyfriend.


Comment and vote for another chapter I guess. I did have enough time to finish this chapter.

Mia xoxo

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