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Mia's pov (Thursday Match 28th)


Once I wake up I regret it already. I miss Hayes like crazy and it bugs me that I won't be able to feel his soft plump lips on mines anymore. But the thought of someone else's lips on his makes me happier with the decision I have made now. Although I miss him he won't know that.

I look around the room and Nash is asleep but Cameron is laying down on his phone. I unplug my phone from the charger that's on the table with the hotel phone and check the time. It's 11:02 and I have a message.

It's killing me that I won't be able to feel your lips again. - Hayes

I ignore the text knowing that if I respond I'll be trapped under his spell.

"Goodmorning," Cameron says with a slight smile.

"Morning," I reply.

"How are you?" He asks.

"I'm fine,"

"I know that's a lie Mia talk to me, I'm your big brother,"

"He cheated on me. What does that say about me?"

"That your just heartbroken,"

I look at my fingers as I play with my nail polish that was chipping off.

"Yeah well I'm fine,"

He sighs and goes back to playing on his phone.

I continue staring at my finger nails until I hear a knock on my door. I sit up to go answer it hoping it isn't Hayes. NAOMI! I almost faint as I see my best friend standing in front of me.

"Your here!" I yell.

"I'm here!" She yells back and we both scream and hug each other.

"Can you two just shut the fuck up!" Nash yells in his tired voice.

Naomi gives him a hard glare and he give one back.

"How have you been?" She asked me.

"Iv been better but I'm happy that you are with me now,"

"Same we have to spend a bunch of time together,"

"How long will you be staying?" I asked her.

"The end of the next trip," she explains.

"Let me go get ready because we have a show in 1 hour,"

She nods her head as I get ready for the day.


Once the show, and meet and greet was over mahogany, Naomi, and I were going to get our nails done. We all decided on getting an simple acrylic but making sure it wasn't going to be so long. We all sat at the chairs as the lady began to glue the nails on. Once the lady was applying the nails we all started to make small talk.

"So what has happened with Hayes and you?" Mahogany asked. I forgot that I haven't talk to her in awhile.

"I broke up with him,"

Mahoganys eyes bulge out of her head as to why I would do that.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because he probably cheated on her," Naomi said.

I nodded my head and looked at my nails being done.

"Well he's a jerk," Mahogany said and I smiled.

As our nails began to dry we talk a little bit more about Naomi and what has been going on back at home.

"Remember Kayla?" Naomi asked.

"Yeah what about her?"

"She's back,"

Wow! I haven't talked to her in forever and I'm afraid if I do it will relieve bad memories about us two.

"Why should I be fazed by that?"

"Because you two were best friends," she said with a smirk.

"Yeah your right. We were best friends but we aren't now. You two are my best friends,"

"Better be," mahogany mumbled and we both laughed at her silliness.

Once our nails were fully dry we decided to go to a water park that was down the street. We invited the guys and they said they were on there way. Cameron's girlfriend was coming on tour with us because Cameron wants to keep an eye on her and the baby in her stomach. She should be ready to pop any minute though. The bad thing about it is that until her baby comes everywhere we go Cameron will have to be in the car with her because she can't take the airplane. That means I won't have my big brother besides me at all times. I'm sure I will survive just because I have my best friends with me.

Once we all put on our bikinis that we just bought because we didn't feel like going to the hotel to change we paid for our tickets to get ready to have fun.

"I'm so excited," Naomi squeals and I laugh at her pleasure of fun.

We go on a bunch of rides as we wait for the boys the arrive and once they do they all come in shirtless. The only person that caught my eye was Hayes and I went under water to stop me from looking at him.

I swim around in the water a couple of more minutes before I decided to get out and warm off but my name was called. I turned around and saw Hayes and mentally slapped myself for turning around.

"What?" I asked.

"Can you please forgive me?" He asked.

"Why should I?"

"Because I love you and you love me,"

"Who said I loved you anymore?" I still love him but I don't want to. What he did to me really hurt and I don't think I can forgive him.

"We both know you still do otherwise you would've walked away right now,"

He's right. I still do love him but I can't forgive him so quickly. What does that say about me?

"I still love you," I admit.

He smiles and his smile melts me and I just want to run up to him and kiss him but I contain myself.

"But I don't think I can forgive you,"

"You forgave me once. What's stopping you from doing it now?" He asked me.

"A broken heart,"


I won't update until I get a comment or a vote because I think I'm slacking on my writing and nobody's telling me if I'm doing a good job.

- Mia :(

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