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Mia's pov (Saturday March 30th)


Being back home was weird. I even forgot about my warm bed that was awaiting for me but once I laid down I remembered every moment of it. The time I would eat ice cream sitting on my bed while I watched re runs of Icarly and mourned over missing Hayes. Now that I'm 18 I can move out of Cameron's house seeing as he's not talking to me anytime soon.

When I got home there was a note on the door saying,

Won't be home for the night


He's still mad at me as you can see but he should really calm it down a minute. I never asked for him to barge in the room an say that but he did and nothing can change his reaction towards kicking 'Hayes and I,' out of the group. Everyone went back home to their parents house so I won't see mahogany until a holiday or whenever she decides to visit. Nash and Hayes are at home resting so I probably won't see them until tomorrow.

Naomi is catching up with her big brother Tony from collage so it's just me. Seeing as I have nothing to do for the rest of the day I'll just go to Starbucks and get something quick to eat. Since I'm already dressed I grab my phone and walk on the sidewalk.

I arrive and order my drink and take a seat at the back corner of Starbucks while I savor the moment of my nice sweet drink.

I was reading a book on my phone until someone sat at the table. I looked up and noticed kayla and I forgot that she was back in town. I wish she had just never came back or sat at my table. She knows that we aren't friends anymore but yet she could have sat anywhere else and she choose to sit in front of me. I try to ignore her as much as possible while I try to finish my drink. I think she even took my silence as a sign and started to get up but to my luck she sat back down.

"Hey," she said.

GREAT now I have to speak to her! I sit my drink down on the table and respond with a simple, "Hi," back.

"How have you been?" She asked.

I'm not going to tell her that iv been having a shitty time for me right now. She's not my best friend so she doesn't have to know.

"Iv been doing great," I lie. In no way was I doing great. I just got kicked out of the magcon group because Hayes was being dumb and my dumb self decided to go along with it. Cameron hates me and I don't even know what is going on between Hayes and I.

"That's great. I just finished school," she said with a smile. God I haven't seen that smile in forever and I wasn't even really look forward to seeing it right now.

"Cool what collage are you going to?" I asked her.

"University of California Berkeley,"

Great so she won't be far from here.

"Where are you thinking of going?" She asks me.

I wasn't even really thinking about collage because of magcon but I guess since I'm out I should start.

"I have a scholarship for Stanford university,"

I heard that their campus was nice so all I have to do was send in an application and I was great. I'll type my application this week before it's too late.

"Wow that's a really great school,"

I nod my head, this is getting awkward.

"Well I should get going," I said as I sat up from the seat.

"Oh okay we should catch up sometime," she said with a slight smile.


"Sure," I said as I dumped my drink in the trash and exited Starbucks.

I turned back around and noticed she was in the same position and just looking down at her hands. I actually feel bad for her but then again I don't. She was a massive bitch when we were best friends and besides I already have a best friend. Two might I add.

As I was walking home I noticed Cameron's car in the drive way. I thought he wasn't going to be home for the night?

I walk inside and see two suitcases next to the couch.

"What's going on?" I asked as he sat another suitcases next to the two.

"Well I'm leaving," he said.

Wait huh?!

"What do you mean your leaving?" I asked.

"As in I'm moving in with my girlfriend. I have to be there for my child,"

"Why can't she just move in with us?"

"Because I can't look at you without hating you. I can't be under the same roof. Now go in your room and don't come out until I leave,"

Instead of doing that I just ran outside. I can't believe he really hates me for something so stupid but yet so important. I didn't want to run to Hayes because I didn't know what was going on between us. I decided to run to my best friend and even though she was catching up with her brother she would probably make some time to talk to me.

I didn't even notice I was crying until I touched my cheek from running so much.

"Mia are you okay?" I heard.

Damn it its Kayla.

"Yes I'm fine," I lied.

"No your not your crying. Here I live right here I was just getting the mail come inside,"

"No I'm fine," I was getting annoyed now Naomi's house was 2 blocks down she can leave me alone now.


"I said I'm fine!" I yelled.

I know I sound like a bitch but she's too persistent. I continued to run until I reached Naomi's house. I knocked on her door and waited for her to answer. Once she opened and saw my vulnerable state she let me inside.

"what's wrong?" She asked me.



Please vote and comment for another update.

Mia xoxo

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