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Mia's pov (Saturday March 23thth)


"Mia wake up," I heard. I opened my eyes slowly and remembered that we were on our way to Orlando hills. Ugh I hate it here! It's always cold and the sad thing is that it's March! It should be heating up. I look out the window of the plane, and tell that it's raining. Great!

"Cameron it's raining what do we do?" I ask him.

"Well figure it out but for now let's go," he said.

I get out of the air plains seat and grabbed my luggage from the pack that's above our seats.

I looked at Hayes as I was getting up and he smiled, I smiled back.

I grabbed my stuff and everyone left the plan and we were on our way to get the rest of the luggage that' we got.


"Nash can we go now!?" I basically yelled.

We were at the baggage claim area and Nash was sitting on the thing that goes around and around.

"One more time!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes and looked at everyone.

Once Nash finished we all grabbed our stuff and headed towards the limo that had the word 'magcon,' on it with a man standing outside with an umbrella.


We arrived at the hotel and everyone was going to there assigned room. I was rooming with Cameron and mahogany so that was a good, although I wish I could room with Hayes but mahogany is funny and beautiful so she will do just fine.

I place some of my clothes for 3 days in the drawers and placed my shoes on the side of my bed. Everybody was tired from the plane ride and we didn't have a show until tomorrow so everyone took a nap.

I wasn't that tired so mahogany invited me to take a tour around Orlando hills with her. I changed into some tights, and a 'Cameron Dallas,' hoodie and wore some flip-flops that I packed. I didn't want my good shoes to get ruined by the rain so I wore flip flops. I'm happy that I brought them.

"You ready?" I asked mahogany.

"Yes!" She squeal. I laughed as we left the hotel room and started to leave to take a tour.


Mahogany and I were walking around trying to find some place to eat and we finally spotted in- and - out.

"Finally!" She yelled.

I laughed and we ran towards in- and- out to eat because we were both starving.

Once we ordered our food which was burger and fries, with a drink we sat down and began to eat.

"This is so good!" I moaned as I took another bite of my burger.

"Tell me about it! And their fries are too die for!" She said.

I grabbed a fry and ate it and I was in heaven. It was so delicious. I love Burger King but not as much as I love in- and- out. I will come here more often back home.

I took a sip of my drink and finished the remaining of my food and slouched in the seat while I waited for mahogany to finish.

She's so small but yet she can eat like a man. That's probably why we click because I would've got mad if she didn't finish her food. Although I wouldn't because then I would be able to finish it for her. Let me just shut my fast ass up right now because I just ate a whole burger and fries. Including a drink which also filled me up.

"I'm so full," I groaned.

"Same here," she said.

I looked at her plate and she had a couple fries left.

"Can I eat that?" I asked her.

"Go ahead," she said and laughed.


Mahogany and I arrived back at the hotel and we plopped ourselves on our bed. I had to sleep with mahogany since Cameron wanted a whole bed to himself. He's so greedy but yet again so am I. That's probably what we have in common.

Cameron walked out of the bathroom and rubbed his hair.

"Where were you two?" He asked.

"We were at in- and- out. You were asleep so we just left, sorry," I told him.

"You didn't get me anything?" He complained.

"Nope," mahogany said and I laughed.

"Well I'm tired," I said.


I grabbed some shorts and a tank top, changed in the bathroom and put my clothes in the 'wash,' bin. I guess this hotel does laundry. I laid on my bed with mahogany and we both fell asleep.


HI. Comment and vote for another update!

- Mia :)

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