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Mia's pov (Friday October 13th)

1 month pregnant.

Wow! This has been a long month, one my stomach is growing so my hormones are releasing into a pit full of anger, and two it's Friday the 13th! Party's are going to be going on, maybe someone will get killed, but I'm a pregnant girl. So you know what that means? No partying for me. Yup Hayes, and Naomi made it very clear that I will not be attending any parties today. I complained that I would have nothing to do, so guess what!? Naomi and Hayes offered to bring pizza an snacks, over so we can all watch scary movies. Of course Cameron will be out partying. I'm guessing he won't be home until about, 3 am in the morning.

It's currently 3 pm, and I'm sitting on the couch waiting for my Best Friend, and my boyfriend. But no of course they take their time, and show up 30 minutes later. As I'm getting bored of sitting on the couch my phone buzzes. It better be Hayes. As I grab it I take a look at it and it's the unknown number.

It's Friday the 13th. Watch out! - Unknown.

I roll my eyes, and sit down. Whoever this is, is just trying to scare me.

I walk to the kitchen, and grab me a soda and plop myself back on my very comfy couch. I hear two knocks on my door so I go to open it up with a glare.

There they are. The two annoying ass brats. The 'I'm sorry I was late,' brats.

Hayes and Naomi.

"Why were you two late?" I ask with a glare.

Naomi holds up a bunch of movies, and I give her a confused look as to why that made them late.

She sighs and says, "well we had to first pick out the movies, and then Hayes credit card was fucked up, and then there was a bunch of traffic," she explains.

I sigh, and let them in my house.

"Where's Cameron?" She asks me.

"I think he's getting ready for a party at his friends house he should be home late at night," I tell her.

"Okay cool," she says.

Hayes puts the movie on, and I sit on the couch and began to watch it. But the movie they picked out sucked a lot so I started to fall asleep after 30 minutes of watching it.


I wake up to loud blaring music in my house, and look around and I see a bunch of people. When I say 'a bunch,' I mean probably about like 200 people in my house.

"What the fuck!" I yell even though nobody can hear me due to the loud music.

I grab my phone and check to see the time and is 1 am.

"No no no no no," I whispered to myself.

I walk through the crowd in search for Cameron, Naomi, or Hayes but I can't find them anywhere.

As I was walking a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me away, I look up to see some man in black pants and a black shirt with a black leather jacket.

"Who are you!?" I yell at him over the music.

"Just come with me!" He yells again.

Maybe he knows where Cameron is so I let him lead me, although he takes me into some bedroom.

I turn around to him closing the door.

"What' are you doing?" I ask him.

He doesn't answer instead he walks closer towards me, and grabs my arm.

He starts to squeeze it and grabs my boob.

"Stop leave me alone!" I yell at him.

He breaths in my face and I can smell the alcohol.

He doesn't listen instead he grabs my thigh and try's to lift my leg up.

I try to push him off of me, but he starts to kiss my neck.

"I'm pregnant!" I scream.

Again he doesn't listen but, as I say that he was pushed off of me onto the ground.

I look to see who the person was and I recognize Nash.

He punches him and gets up to give me a hug.

"Thank you," I cried.

"Your welcome," he says.


It was now 4 am in the morning, and the party finally ended. I was sitting on the couch with coffee in my hands and a blanket around me. Cameron has yet to return home.


It's 5 am in the morning, and I can't sleep. Hayes is sleeping on the sofa Nash is sleeping on the sofa as well and Naomi went home.

Someone walks through the door and I look up to see Cameron. He walks inside and he reeks of alcohol.

I don't look at him as he walks to the couch and falls on top of it, and falls asleep.

That fucker.


I woke up, and checked my phone. It's 8 in the morning. I barely got any sleep.

Cameron was awake talking to Nash, and Hayes was still asleep.

"Mia I'm so sorry," Cameron says walking into the living room, and sits down on the sofa.

"Leave me alone," I mumble.

"Look I really am sorry, I thought you were at Naomi's house. Please please forgive me," he says.

"I'll forgive you but I won't forget," I tell him.

"That's understandable," he says.

"I'm tired," I yawn.

"I bet you are," he says and gives me a hug.

"Let me take you to your room," he says and picks me up bridal style.

He walks me to my room, and places me on my bed. He kisses my cheek and walks out, and I then begin to get sleepy so I fall asleep.


I hope you liked this chapter, please vote and comment for more updates!!!

- Mia :)

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