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Mia's pov (Friday March 10th)


It's getting warm out so you already know what everyone will be doing on a Friday. Partying. Iv been asked to a couple parties but iv declined every single one of them, I plan on watching horror movies while eating popcorn all night by myself. But I don't always get what I want. Naomi insisted that I go to a party that's 2 houses down from mine and she somehow always gets what she wants. It's either because she won't shut up until I say yes, or she threatens me.

It's about 5 pm and I'm just now getting out of the shower. I wrap my towel around my body as I hear a knock on my door so I proceed downstairs to check who it was. Probably being Naomi I just wanted to make sure for my safety. I look through the peephole and it was defiantly Naomi, so I open the door for her to walk in.

"Your not ready!?" She yells as she seems me in a towel.

"I was trying to get ready but you interrupted me," I say and roll my eyes.

"It starts at 7!" She yells.

"And it's....," I say and check my phone for the time, "5:14," I tell her.

"It doesn't matter!" She yells again and I get annoyed so I walk upstairs to get ready.

She follow behind and groans in annoyance.

"Being a girl takes time we have to do your hair and everything," she wines.

"Well I already have my outfit picked out," I tell her.

"Oh really?" She asks and I nod. "Let me see,"

I walk inside the bathroom and walk out with my outfit. It's a two piece bandage dress. (Pic before chapter)

Her eyes become wide and they look like they are about to pop out of her head.

"NO!!!" She yells and walks over towards me takes the clothes and throws them on the floor.

"I'm not wearing a skanky dress," I tell her. I look at her outfit and tell that she is wearing a black short dress, with black pumps on. Yea I'm defiantly not wearing something like that.

"You have to wear a short dress not a skirt!"

"Look Naomi I'm wearing what I want and if you have a problem then I guess I'm not going to go," I tell her and sit on my bed.

"Ugh fine,"

I smirk and change into my outfit that I'm going to wear. I take a look into the mirror once I'm dressed and smile in approval.

"Now for your hair," Naomi squeals and sits me down in the chair in front of my mirror. (Pic above also)

Once she finished my make up 'which wasn't a lot,' and my hair we were all ready.

And guess what!? We finished at "7:05" which wasn't that bad so I honestly don't know why Naomi was complaining in the first place.

"You ready?" She asks me.

I nod, grab my purse, my phone, and everything else that I would need for this party.

I walk outside with Naomi by my side and walk two houses down and I'm here. At the party, and I seriously hope nothing bad happens here.

I walk inside and look for Hayes already knowing he was going to be here but I didn't spot him. He probably wasn't here yet.

I grab a couple stares and I just shrug them off.

I walk towards the kitchen and place my purse on the counter and sigh. I have no idea were Naomi went.

"You want a drink?" Someone asks me. I look up to see Hayes and I smile and give him a hug.

"Sure," I say and watch as he starts to pour mixes inside two cups. For him and I.

Once he finishes he hands a cup to me and I take a sip of it. It's not that bad to be honest, it was strong and it stung my throat but I pushed that thought to the side and finished drinking the drink.


About two hours passed and I was drunk to the sky. I had so much to drink but I manage to stay calm through it all.

I was jumping up and down to the loud music that' was blaring through the house. Hayes was jumping up and down with me and we were just having a blast.

I look over and I see Naomi and some boy dancing with each other and I smile.

I continue to dance when somebody screams through the house.

"Does anybody smell that?!" Someone yelled. Everyone stopped what they were doing and tried to smell whatever the person was talking about. It' smelled like smoke and then somebody else screamed.

"FIRE!" And everyone started to panic. Everyone was trying to get to the front of the house so they don't get hurt but there was so much people in the house. People started falling to the floor and people were bumping into everyone.

"Grab my hand!" Hayes yelled over the noise. I grabbed his hand and we tried to make it to the exit without getting separated by the mob of people.

Our hands disconnected and I panicked.

"Hayes!" I yelled and I never got a reply. The fire started to spread more and the house was starting to fall down onto everyone.

"Hayes!" I yelled and tried to look for him.

I felt arms wrap around my body and I was taken outside. The person let me go so I turned around and saw Cameron and Nash.

"Where's Hayes!?" Nash yelled scared. 

"I don't know we got separated!"  I yelled back.

Cameron started to run in the house that was almost covered in flames so I yelled.

"Cameron no!" I yelled for him to stop.

"I'll be fine," he yelled back and ran inside. I tried to run after him but Nash grabbed my body to stop me.

I cried and was praying that they would make it out safely.  The first started to get worse and there was no sign of Cameron or Hayes.

I started to freak out.

"What happens if they don't make it out okay?" I cry to Nash.

"They will!" He says and looks over at the burning house.

A couple seconds later and the house burned into flames and I screamed.

The fire department showed up late and tried to stop the fire and I already knew Hayes and Cameron did not make it.


What do you think will happen?

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- Mia :)

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