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Mias pov (Saturday January 25th)


"What's your name?" The woman asked me.

"Mia," I said in a low voice.

"Hello Mia my name is Nyla, as I'm looking at my file it says here you were sent here, for depression," the woman said while she read my file.

Wrong! She is right sort of, my brother signed me up for therapy after everything that happened. I'm still homeschooled I tend to freak out around people because I have memories of what happened to me at the wrong times. I have nightmares and I wake up drenched in sweat, Nash and Hayes live with us now. Cameron decided it would be best if we had two more people live with us so they could watch me at all times so he just happened to pick his Best friend, and my boyfriend.

I'm not complaining it's better then having a total stranger watch what I'm doing every five seconds of the day.

"Mia Mia," I heard my name being called repeatedly. I snapped out of my thoughts look at the the woman talking to me, and move a piece of hair out of my face.

"What's wrong?" She asked me.

"Nothing I'm just thinking," I told her honestly.

She nodded her head, and wrote on her paper.

"Can you please explain to me what happened the day you were kidnapped,"

Oh no. I was hoping she wouldn't get to that yet I wasn't quite comfortable talking about it just yet, I was still adjusting to the whole situation even though it has been a month since it happened.

"I was kidnapped what else is there to say," I sighed.

"I need details please. Look Mia I know it's hard for you to talk about it but the sooner you get it out, the less of a pain and worry it will be for you," 

She is right.

"The person who took me would yell at me, and - and he would make me say inappropriate things and he would hit me," I told her.

"That's not all," she said.

I looked at her and almost broke down crying, she wants me to say it. I can't and I won't.

I shook my head.

"Please don't make me say it," I cried.

"Mia I need to know this stuff,"

I got out from my chair and pushed
it to the ground and yelled, "No your just doing this for money! You don't care about me you don't care what has happened to me! You just want to get paid and get out!" I yelled. I started to pace around the room running my hands through my hair.

She sat up from her chair and walked over towards me.

"I'm trying to help you Mia, I can't help you if you don't talk to me," she said.

"He raped me!" I yelled.

Once the words left my mouth I fell on the floor and started to cry.

"He raped me continuously, I was pregnant and he shot me and killed my baby," I cried some more.

She opened the door and called for someone and Cameron came in the room and sat on the floor and brought me into his chest.

"I think that's enough for today," Cameron told the lady.

I cried into his chest and he rocked me back and forth and tried to calm me down.

"I hate him Cameron," I cried.

"Me too Mia me too," he said.

He picked me up and walked me out of the therapies office and placed me in the back seat of the car. Hayes and Nash were in the front, and Nash started to drive back to our house.



Once I placed Mia in her bed I walked downstairs and sat on the couch.

Hayes came over and sat next to me while eating a slice of pizza, he had another one in his hand and put his hand out towards me.

"Here," he said.

I took the pizza and took a bite out of it and just tried to relax.

"Your doing everything you can you know," Hayes said.

"Yeah I know I just feel like I'm not doing enough," I said while eating my pizza.

"Your doing everything you can do so don't beat yourself up for it. She will get better it just takes some time," Hayes said and got up from the couch and walked upstairs. I just continued eating my pizza.




"I said strip now," the man yelled at me.

I cried some more and listened to him and took my clothes off. He came over towards me and yanked me by my hair and slammed me to the ground. My whole body was sore I could barely move. He kicked me in the stomach and I cried out in pain.

He flipped me over so I was facing him and spit in my face. I turned my face to the right so I didn't have to look at him. As I was staring at the wall crying hoping somebody would save me he slid inside me and I let out a loud scream, but he just covered my mouth. I winced and moved my body hoping he would stop but he just kept going in and out. It was horrible.

I woke up and gasped. I started to freak out and I looked over and I had a pair of arms over me. It was Hayes.

"Hey I'm right here, your safe with me," he said and ran his hands trough my hair.  I calmed down a little bit and snuggled up close towards him.

"Thank you hayes,"  I whispered low but I said it so he can hear me.

"Your welcome," he said and kissed my forehead. I then fell asleep.


Vote and comment for another update.

- Mia :)

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