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Mia's pov (Monday March 25th)


Today's the day that I spend time with Hayes. I can't wait.

I wash up in the shower and do my hair and once I'm finished I get my outfit on. I slip my shoes on and walk over to Nash's room, all of the guys are in there including mahogany is in there.

Once I walk in everyone was sitting on the bed.

"What took you so long!" Mahogany yelled and laughed.

"A girls got to shower. I woke up late," I say and laugh.

"Obviously," Nash says.

"Okay well let's go we have stuff to do," Cameron says. I walk towards Hayes as he exits the room and collide our hands together. He looks at me and smiles and I smile back as we continue walking towards the limo.


The show started and we were all jumping on the trampoline trying to push everyone off. The last person standing is the winner.

"Who wants to be the lucky girl and get a kiss on the cheek from all of the guys?" Cameron shouts.

All the girls scream and the crowd goes wild.

"Okay Mia will pick. Mia pick any girl that you think should get a kiss on the cheek from one of the guys," Cameron says.

I nod as the crowd cheers 'pick me,' I look at almost every single girl. I notice one girl that stands out the most she smiles but you can see past that smile and you can tell that she's hurt.

"The girl with the brown hair and yellow and blue shirt!" I yell and point at the girl.

She smiles wide and I help her up onto the stage.

"Hello what's your name?" I asked her.

"Gabriela," she says and smiles.

"Gabriela do you have anything to say?" I ask her.

She nods and grabs the microphone.

"I can't believe this is actually happening to me. Thank you so much Mia," she says and gives me a hug and I hug back.

She squeals and each and every one of the guys give her a kiss on the cheek. Mahogany picked her up and gave her a huge hug. I smiled as she thanked everyone and walked off the stage.


The meet and greet started and I was greeting everyone and giving them hugs and kisses on the cheeks. I took pictures with almost every single person that got in line in the booth for Cameron and I.

As I was signing phones and etc I noticed the girl that got on stage came up to Cameron and I's booth.

"Hey beautiful," Cameron said.

"Hi," she said and blushes.

"How old are you?" I asked her.

"11," she sad.

"Okay well your a very beautiful girl and please stay young," I said and sat up from my seat and her a hug.

"I love you guys," she said and cried.

"We love you too," Cameron said.


Once the meet and greet was over Hayes was meeting me at my hotel room.

I got dressed into a nice short but not too short dress. ( pic above )

I added some make up to my face and slipped some black flats on. I finished my hair and I was all ready. Once I finished I got a knock at my door. I opened the door and there stood my very handsome boyfriend I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked him.

"Well since we have to leave tomorrow morning I was thinking that we could go see a movie and then chill at the beach," he suggested.

"Cool what movie will we be seeing?" I asked him.

"Zootopia," he said and laughed. I smiled and grabbed his hand and we started walking to the movie theater.

Once we arrived we bought some popcorn, candy, and drinks. I bought myself a slurpie because I just really wanted one. Once we payed for the movie we went to go watch it.


Once the movie was over we exited the movie theater.

"That was a really cool movie," I said.

"Yeah I really liked the little rabbit woman. She was a really funny character,"

I agreed and we then left for the beach.


"Hayes I'm not getting in the water I thought we were just going to take a walk on the beach," I whined.

"Please Mia,"

"I have nothing to wear for the water,"

"Just get in with your dress," he suggested.

I sighed and slipped my shoes off and jumped in the ocean with Hayes. We swam around and we even kissed under water. The only thing that bothered me was the salt water that kept getting in my eyes. I will never open my eyes in the ocean again.

Once we finished we walked back to the hotel and we said our goodbyes.

I took a shower and got changed into some pajamas. I got in bed with mahogany and I went to sleep.


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- Mia :)

His sister. •SEQUAL TO 'Cameron's little sister'•Where stories live. Discover now