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7 more days until this book ends. Honestly I'm really proud of how this has come out. I can't wait until I can write the end of the book!

Mia's pov (Monday June 7th)


Today was Monday so that meant I'm starting college today. Since I was already ready and it was 8am I still had time for breakfast. I put on some red vans that matched my outfit which was some white skinny jeans, and a red and white top. Naomi left to go talk to her teachers so I decided to walk to the lunch room. As I ordered my breakfast I sat down at a table alone. I started eating my fruit as my phone buzzed. I was hoping that Hayes texted me and sure enough he did.

I can't wait until Friday. I'm praying the week goes by fast. :) have a good day beautiful we can face time later to talk about your first day. I love you!

I smiled at his warm gesture as I replied to his text message saying.

I can't wait until our face time date. Haha! I love you too.

I sent the message and finished eating my breakfast as I threw away any scraps in the trash.

I walked to my first class which was sociology class. I noticed Gilinksy sitting in a seat but I didn't see Naomi. I guess I don't have class with her and it bugged me, but I still had Jack. I took a seat as I waited for the professor to come in a teach. I took out my notebook and just doodled the letter 'H,' all around. Moments later the teacher came in and introduced himself.

"Good morning everybody. My name is professor Darwin and I will be teaching you for the first semester,"


I had a 15 minute break to do whatever I felt like doing. I decided to study because I honestly didn't understand what my professor was teaching me. I grab an apple from the lunch room, walked around until I found some place quite to sit which was near a tree in the grass. I set my timer for 15 minutes as I began to study what I was supposed to learn today.

I studied about how people choose to communicate or advertise their message in a certain way. My timer shortly went off so I picked myself up and walked to my next class which would be computer science. I walked in class and the teacher was typing away at her computer. I saw Gilinsky sitting next to Madison and I saw Noami in the back giving them daggers. I rolled my eyes as I took a seat next to Naomi.

"This isn't high school anymore you can't make stupid and immature choices," I whispered in Naomi's ear.

"I know I know. At least I'm not being disrespectful to her. Just in my head I am," she said smiling.

I rolled my eyes as the teacher began speaking about class.


"So what are you doing Friday?" Naomi asked walking towards the dorm room.

"Going home to visit Cameron, Hayes, and Nash," I said walking to the room with her as well.

"Oh too bad. I was hoping to do something with you. It's fine go visit your hunny. I'm going to go get ready for the gym. Bye love," Naomi said walking in the bathroom to get changed into some gym clothes.

I dropped all of my books on the floor as I jumped in my bed. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and scrolled through to find Hayes contact. I clicked the message icon and texted him.

Ready for our face time date? ;)

I put on some music as I waited for his response and shortly after he responded with a 'yes,' and face timed me. I answered and was welcomed with Nash's ugly face.

"I told you, you had to break up with him Mia," Nash said with a smirk.

"Yes you never listen," I heard a voice which sounded like Cameron's.

"Don't you have a child to be watching?"

"She's spending time with her mother. Apparently it's mother and daughters day," Cameron said while putting the middle finger up in the screen.

"Guys give me back my phone and get out of my room," I heard Hayes say as he took his phone. I saw his handsome face as he was stuffing chips in his mouth so I rolled my eyes.

"One day your eyes will fall out," he said while laughing.

"Yeah and if you keep eating those chips one day you will be really really fat,"

"But you'll still love me anyways,"

"We'll see," I said laughing at his dumb comment.

"So how was college?" He asks taking a bite out of his sandwich. I was starting to get hungry!

"Good good. All of my classes have blew by really quickly. By the way I'm going to get some dinner from the lunch room," I say grabbing a pair of head phones. I plug my headphones in my ears, and phone as I hear Hayes speak.

"What are you going to eat?"

"Probably a burger, fries, and of course a salad," I said walking out of my dorm room to the food court.

"Your always the healthy one," Hayes said laughing while taking another bite of his burger.

"I can't wait until Friday," he adds pulling his bottom lip out.

"Yeah same. But hey there's only 4 more days until I see you again. We can survive," I said ordering my food. I sat down at the table as I was waiting for my food to be ready.

"Soo long!" He yelled. I was laughing.

I grabbed my food as I made my way back to my dorm. Noami wasn't here yet so I'm guessing she's still working out.

"How's Gilinsky and Naomi," Hayes asked.

"Fine. Just drama but I'm going to stay out of the way," I said pulling all of my food out of the paper bag.

"Good girl. Well I have to go watch sky. Bye I love you,"

"I love you too," I said and he hung up right after we blew kisses to each other through the screen.



God I'm starting testing tom I think but I'm not 100% sure. I'm so not looking forward to this.

Vote and comment what you thought about this chapter for another chapter. Love you all!

Mia xoxo

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