And My New Sensei Is...

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"Remember to bring all your weapons! And don't forget your cloak!" Kylie reminded me for about the twenty billionth time.

"I will, Ky, I promise," I assured her, grabbing a set of my clothes and tossing them to her so that she could place them in my bag.

I know what you're thinking. Clothes? What the hay? Has Minxie finally gone insane? Well, for one thing, I already am insane. But the reason I was packing clothes is because I had finally figured out what I wanted to do for the next to years, and I was only moments away from orchestrating my plan.

However, my plan was to train and travel around outside the village. And so, I was packing a few things, only the essentials, and heading out to the village's gates.

Kylie caught the set easily, but her eyes remained glossy. "I still can't believe that you're actually leaving the village to train! What're we supposed to do without you?"

"Well, for one thing, don't burn the house down," I advised, grabbing a shirt from my closet. "Oh! And stay the hell away from the kitchen. Forever."

She shot me a flat look as she folded the clothes neatly. "I will, I will... But it's just that things won't be the same with you gone!"

"I'm only going to travel around for a little while," I said easily, "It's not like I'm never coming back."

"I know, I know... But I'm gonna miss you a lot, Minx. We all are," She said sadly.

"Hey! Don't sound so depressed!" I exclaimed. "You should be happy! Mitchell's probably throwing a party in his room right now, knowing that I won't be here tomorrow morning."

"You're right," Mitchell's cocky voice said as he appeared in the doorway, "But I ran out of confetti."

I stuck my tongue out at him, and he did the same to me, making both Kylie and I laugh.

"You know, you never told us where or who you're going to train with," Kylie said out of nowhere, placing the clothing into my bag.

I shrugged. "It's really going to be a variety. I'm not leaving just to train. I want to travel and see places outside of Konoha. I'm hoping to pick up a few new skills along the way, maybe make some new friends... Stuff like that," I explained.

"New friends, huh? So we're being replaced!?" She exclaimed, getting anime tears.

"I don't think I'll ever find friends like you guys," I said honestly, smiling. 

"AWW!" She cooed, running over to me and hugging me.

"Hey! I said no hugging until we're at the village gates!" I reminded.

She shrunk away from me, sweatdropping. "Right... Sorry!" She apologized, taking her seat on my bed once again. "I just still can't believe that you're leaving so soon! There's not even any time to throw a going away party!"

"I'm more concerned about what exactly made you want to travel," Mitchell said, "Before today, you had no clue what you were doing. What made you think of a plan?"

"I think it has something to do with a certain redhead," Kylie hinted, grinning like a maniac.

I felt my face heat up. "It does not!"

"LIES! If not the redhead, then it's the blonde," She reasoned.

"Ino? I didn't think you went that way, Minx," Mitchell taunted, a smirk on his face.

"You know, I could always tell Rin about that time in eighth grade," I threatened.

"So what? I'm over her already," He said. Then, his expression darkened. "Wait... When you say eighth grade... You don't mean the cricket thing, do you?"

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