Untitled Part 28

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Chapter 29❄️ Jack P.O.V

As she took my hand in hers I grabbed her waist and placed her on top of me "Jack? What are you doing?" She laughed but I didn't answer, I placed my hands on her cheeks and pulled her down "Jack" She said my name but I didn't wanna ruin the moment, I was inches away from her lips when she turned her head and my kiss fell on her cheek "I-I.." She started talking "I'm sorry, I thought you wanted this too" I said as she climbs of off me "I do" "Then what's the problem?" "I haven't had someone in a while and I don't wanna get hurt" she started saying, maybe this is the thing that Kristoff was talking about, I don't wanna rush things with her but at the same time I don't wanna lose her by being pushed away "It's okay, I would never ever hurt you" I say and place my hands on her shoulder "Thank you Jack" She says smiling a little and walks to the bed, climbs on in and taps her hand on the mattress for me to get on it "So what are we doing?" I say as I lay down on the pillow with Elsa siting next to me "Just talking, getting to know each other better" she said "Alright, tell me your story" I said to her and she looked at me with a scared expression "I'll go first then" I say and place my hand on top of hers and she brings her happy face again "Well, I'm Jack Frost as you know" she giggles "I live in New York Manhattan in an apartment overlooking Central Park. I work for my father and his company is huge and powerful. I have a little sister, well she's not little. She's 17 years old, but I still call her baby names, and she gets mad at me. My mum is the best mum in the world she supports me in everything, and gives me the best advices, my dad is so humble, he always protects his family and is an excellent father. I finished college at NYU" "I go there too" she interrupted me "Awesome. How come I've never saw you there?" "I don't know, we were meant to meet in a train" she laughs "Yeah, guess you're right" "So continue" she added "Well after I finished college me and my friend Aster went to Miami, and let's just say we had the best vacation ever, Aster even met a girl and married her after month and now they have two adorable twins named Sofia and Philip. After that I traveled for a while to China and India, Spain and Italy, before getting a job. My sister was pretty angry that I was visiting these amazing places and didn't take her with me, but I didn't wanna worry about another person who is my responsibility and plus she was a freshmen in high school. I can't think of anything else, so your turn"❄️

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