Untitled Part 16

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Chapter 17❄ Elsa P.O.V

We arrived at the train station and Jack still hasn't come for his bag, "I guess he doesn't wanna see me" I say and get up slowly so adjust to my hurt leg. I stepped outside and spotted Hans "Hey Elsa, you traveled well?" He said while giving me a hug "Yeah, my leg hurts a bit," "Why?" "Umm, I fell, but it's okay. I'm gonna fresh up in the bathroom, you wait for me here so we don't get lost. I'll be right back" "Okay, I'm gonna wait for my friend, did Anna mention that?" "Oh yeah, okay. Be right back" I say and walk to the bathroom, I needed to freshen up my face, and I really wanted to talk to Merida *"Hey. He didn't show up"* I say with a lump in my voice *"Oh Elsa, I'm sorry"* *"I'll never see him again"* I started crying *"Please don't cry. Els, if it's meant to be you'll see each other again. You are in the same city"* *"Yeah, a city with million of people in it"* I sobbed over the phone *"Elsa. Get it together girl. He is not worth it if he didn't confront you"* *"Maybe you're right"* *"I am right, I'm always right"* she protested and I laughed *"Okay, well I gotta go, Hans is waiting for me. Talk to you later"* *"Okaaay, bye"*.

I exited the bathroom and walked back to where Hans was, he was laughing so hard, I was him laying on the floor laughing which made me laugh too. But he wasn't alone, he was with Jack, Jack. White hair, blue eyes Jack. "Oh my God, what?!" I said shocked. Is that the guy Anna was telling me about. He's right in front of me, Jack! I walked a little faster and Jack helped Hans get up "Are you two done laughing?" I said giggling "Yeah yeah. It's just the speakers were on and Justin Bieber's song was on" he said still laughing a little "I'll take that. Oh and Elsa, this is Jack" "Yeah. I know. Me met" "Oh well that's great. He'll be staying with us for a while" He says taking my bag while me and Jack are staring at each other. Me and Jack in the same house, it's gonna be interesting "Okay" I say and Jack smirks at me, I immediately looked at the floor and we both followed Hans to his car "So how did you two meet?" Hans asked and we both looked at each other "We were in the same cabinet" Jack spoke "Oh great, so it won't be awkward, so two passed that moment" He says laughing a little which made Jack laugh as well "Here we are" Hans says pointing at his BMW car, he put both mine and Jack's bag in the trunk and Jack sat in the front and me in the back seat, Hans was driving and he turned on the radio 'Lean on' was playing and non of us could help it, so we started singing, and I knew that Hans has a great voice, but Jack surprised me with his, he sings amazingly good. "Wow, I didn't think that you had an amazing voice" Jack said to me when the song finished "I can say the same about you" I say to him and just scrolled down my phone, I went on Instagram, and I had 3 requests, one was Nick, a guy in college I know, Katharine, Merida's cousin and the last one Jack, "You added me on Insta?" I asked him "Yeah, is there a problem?" He asked "No not at all" I said and clicked the green button so he can follow me and I followed him back.❄ 

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