Untitled Part 6

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Chapter 6❄️ Jack P.O.V

I got to the train station and rushed myself to buy a ticket "One ticket to Chicago" I said out of breath "Here you go, but hurry the train will leave any second now" The woman said and gave me my card, I ran as fast as my legs could run and made it just in time as the man was yelling "This train is leaving for Chicago" he said and started to get on the train "Excuse me sir" I said before he could press the button so the doors would close "Yes, are you coming?" He asked "Yeah, thanks" I said and showed him my ticket and then I went to find a cabinet so I can seat and relax, well maybe to forget Rapunzel ever existed. I went from one cabinet to another, everyone were filled with people, I was searching for 10 mins maybe before I found one where a girl was sitting, well in that moment sleeping, so I decided to go in, maybe she would like my company. I carefully opened the door not to wake her up and sat opposite her, I put my bag underneath my seat and relaxed.

I was just watching the trees that passed by, the houses, the big fancy cars. Suddenly the girl shivered and she was cold I could tell by her reaction, so I took of my jacket, not that I was cold, it was a nice temperature in the cabinet, not to cold, not to hot. So after I took my jacket off of me I slowly got up and walked over to her and wrapped the jacket around her waist and shoulders, you could tell she is beautiful, gorgeous and very pretty. I couldn't help but stare at her, I made something stupid in that moment, I kissed her forehead and traced my fingers along her cheek, without thinking of what might happen if she wakes up and sees me near her, but I wasn't even processing that part. She trebled a little which made me feel horrible and terrified at the same time. I know it was wrong to do that, but it's like, this girl, who I'm seeing for the first time in my life, relaxes me and just for a split second made me forget the woman who betrayed my trust. If she did this by literally doing nothing except for sleeping, aagghhhh...I seriously wanna get to know her❄️ 

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