Untitled Part 5

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Chapter 5❄️ Jack P.O.V

~earlier that morning~

I opened the door of the apartment my girlfriend was living, I bought breakfast for the both of us, donuts and Starbucks coffee. "Rapunzel" I said loud enough for her to hear me, but no one answered me "Rap!" I said louder but again nothing "Maybe she's still sleeping" I convinced myself and went to her bedroom, knocked on the door and popped my head in to see a sleeping Punzie with "What?!" I said slamming the door to the wall and she quickly stood up terrified and so did the guy next to her "Jack" she gasped "What is this?!" I yelled, anger boiling up my veins "It's not what it looks like" she said and covered her face "We are over. I don't wanna see your face again. Ever!" I yelled at her and she started crying "Hey dude, don't yell at the lady" the guy said which made me even more angry so I went over there and punched him in the face "Don't tell me what to do. Have a nice life you two cheat bags" I said and turned around to leave "Jack, please don't leave me. I'm sorry, I'll never cheat on you again" Rapunzel whined "Shut up, we are done. It's Over!!" I yelled at her and walked away from her apartment, "That bitch" I screamed frustrated, she-she cheated on me with some bastard after being together for seven months, I hate her. I hate her so much.

I went to my apartment and was greeted by my maid Hilda "Hello Mr. Jack, is everything alright?" She said after seeing my expression, but I didn't say a thing, I started breaking every frame that had a picture of me and her, aghh I can't even say her name without getting more and more angry "Hilda!" I yelled and she quickly came, "I'm leaving for a few days, so clean in here and you're free" "Yes sir" she said and left to get the broom. I grabbed a bag and put some clothes in it and left my home, I didn't even know where to go, I seriously could go everywhere, but I wanted somewhere where I have a friend that can cheer me up. *"Hi Hans!"* *"Jack, how are you, it's been so long?"* *"Yeah it has. Listen is that invitation still available, for your kids' birthday?"* *"Of course, please come. You can stay with us, we have two guest rooms,"* *"Thanks man,"* *"Hey, is everything alright, cause when I invited you, you said that you can't come"* *"Rapunzel cheated on me so I need to get away from here"* *"Oh my, sorry bro. Please come, we'll catch up on time"* *"Okay, bye"* I hung up and went to the train station❄️

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