Untitled Part 4

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Chapter 4❄️ Elsa P.O.V

I was traveling for a half of hour and I was getting really tired because I got up really early for the exam I had and I was exhausted, so I tilted my head towards the window and closed my eyes just to relax and calm my nerves cause of the stress.

Anna P.O.V "That was amazing" Hans sighted and kissed my cheek, "Oh shit I'm late" he said looking at his watch on his wrist, he got up fast, starting to dress up "Where are you going?" I asked confused by all of his rushing "My late lunch with my boss" he answered "Oh, I remember. Good luck" I said and he left, I got up and went to check up on Valley who was sitting on her bed playing with her dolls "When did you got up?" I asked at her but didn't really got a response back from a soon to be one year old, I picked her up "Let's go and make some cake for your aunt" I said and she clapped which made me laugh. She loves Elsa, cause Elsa herself is a child, she's my little sister and I watch over her like she's my own daughter, always have always will.

Elsa P.O.V

I opened my eyes but closed them immediately cause the sun was shining right in my face, so I tried to open them again so I can adjust to the light, I tried to move but noticed a jacket that is not mine over me covering my body so I won't be cold, and I smiled a little, I looked opposite me and saw a guy white hair, skin pale as mine, tall, handsome... wait what?! Okay, never mind. "Excuse me" I said to him and he looked up "Yes?" He responded "Is this your jacket?" I asked quietly "Why yes it is, I wrapped it around you if you don't mind" "No no, it's okay. Thank you" I say passing his jacket back to him, "I'm Jack" he said taking the jacket off of my hand "Elsa" I smiled❄️

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