Untitled Part 3

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Chapter 3❄️ Elsa P.O.V

As I entered the train I searched for an empty cabinet so I can have it for myself if that is even posible, so I can just relax and read until I get to Chicago. I brought along with me 7 books so I can read them while I'm there. I know that I'm a big book worm but I just cant help it I love reading books, and explore new things, and that's why I love to study. Because of it I visited Switzerland and Germany from Europe and not to mention a few cities from the US, and Anna always tells me than our parents would be so proud. Yes, my parents are dead, cause the plane they were on crashed and since their death 6 years ago Anna has been taking care of me but we were such an emotional wreck, Anna was working two jobs and I worked at a Café so we can pay rent and for Anna's university and my high school. I was only 16 when they died so Anna became my legal guardian cause she's five years older than me. But as time passed I became more of a closed person I didn't talk to any of my friends and eventually they too gave up on me, from popular I became a freak in my school, everyone started teasing me and from that moment I didn't trust anyone except for Anna.

Anna, she became so happy well to be honest she is the most positive person I know, she found the goal in her life, in her senior year in college she met this amazing guy Kristoff who everyone thought they would be married, but again life took a different direction in her life, which broke her again, but now she's happy with Hans and their new baby girl Vally.

I've searched for an empty cabinet for seven minutes now and I finally found one, I walked in and took a seat on the right side, I placed my suitcase below the seat and relaxed by the window waiting for the train to go. I was on my phone texting Merida saying that I'm in the train., Merida and I met in first year of college and at the beginning we didn't like each other a lot but we were roommates so what can you do, since you can't change your roommate I was stuck with her. The second semester we started to have small conversations, which weren't much of a thing to get to know someone but those chit chats helped us became best friends or more like sisters. I can tell her everything and I always trust her like she does with me. As I finished texting Merida I heard a man yelling "This train is leaving for Chicago". And after 5 more mins of waiting the train started moving. Chicago here I come❄️

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