Chapter 31

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"The sun goes down the stars come out and all that counts is here and now. My universe will never be the same I'm glad you came." - Glad You Came by (Max) The Wanted.


Zayn POV


That name lingered in my head ever since I say her face just a week ago. Her face expression carried so much fear and pain, it upsets me that I'm the cause of it. But it also humors me. My feelings work in such a mysterious way, I don't think I can every say sorry.

But now that I think about it be what am I sorry for? I didn't do nothing wrong. Ok I force myself her to have sex with me but I bet she couldn't stop thinking about me afterwards. Like c'mon look at me I irresistible.

I got this small thought in my head that I want revenge. Revenge, for what? You might ask well after that night she just abruptly left. With no good byes or an explanation. The next day when I went to check on her, her house was vacant. Her and her mom just.....Left. Don't ask me how they leave so fast because the world will never know. So I got this thought that she might of called the police and let's just say I was paranoid as hell. Always checking over my shoulder but the funny thing is,

The police never showed.

And that made me pissed as hell. It was like she was fucking with my mind and I don't like that shit. The worst part is that she left a dragged hole in my heart and now I wanted to do the same.

She deserves the same pain I went through.

I threw my head back in laughter as my thoughts ran around in my head. If only she knew.

I sobered up when I heard the sound of a door slamming. I looked up to see Mariah stepping on to the footpath of the sidewalk. She was walking fast as if she was trying to escape from something or maybe someone?

I smirked as I moved from behind the tree I was standing behind and followed behind her keeping my distance.

I wasn't aware of the streets of London, I'm originally from Bradford but currently live in America.

I came to a halt as I saw her walk into what I believe was a park. I looked around to it was vacant but I guess due to the fact it was nightfall. I followed her into the park, she took a seat at a bench just across it was a small lake. I watched as she played with something that hanged from her neck, my lucking guess is a necklace.

I stood there and watched her for a few minutes before I decided to make my move. Slowly walking over to the bench I stop when I was just few feet away. She haven't notice me, she was still continuing to play with the necklace around her neck. Now that I was closer I notice it was a locket.

I took a sit by her on the bench causing her to jump into shock. When she notice it was me her face was conceal with utterly shock.

"Hello Mariah." I said smoothly with a smirk. She didn't peep a word she just sat there like a statue with her eyes glued to mine.

"Don't act to shock bitch, I've missed you." I reached over and stroked her cheek which was wet, "Were you crying love?"

She didn't answered.

"Answer me bitch!" I roared grabbing the collar of her shirt wrinkling it in my hands as I pulled close me.

"Yes." She whispered.

"Now was that hard?" I asked releasing her.

"No." She whispered.

"I have a few question and you need to answer them truthfully. I swear to god if I get the feeling that your lying I will punch you in your fucking face. Got it love?" She nodded slowly biting her lip. I wish she'll stop doing that.

You Found Me In My Darkest Hour (Nathan Sykes FanFic) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now