Chapter 22

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Not much to say in these author notes but just continue to read the book. You may think this is going to be cliche book, well if you do you might as well go read a different book. I'm telling you as this story goes on your going to be enlighten. Just stand by cause your going to like it.;)

"Promise to stay the way you are keep the fire alive and stay young at heart." -Gold Forever by The Wanted (Siva)


Harry pov

Jessinia seems to be the only thing my mind has been focusing on. From the the way she smiles to the way she laugh was a major turn on for me. Ever since I told her I loved her she's been avoiding me. I tried calling and texting but no answer. I feel like a complete jerk I should of took her when I had the chance. Why can't I shake the beautiful image of her face out of my head, oh yeah because I'm in love.

"Is it me or were all in love?" I asked bringing my attention back to Nathan and Michael.

"We're in love." Michael chirped in slouching back in his chair with a goofy grin on his face. I wonder how him and Leslie are doing. We haven't had much guy time since we've been occupy by girl drama.

"So how's are you and Leslie?"

"Actually we're good but the last couple days she's been acting like she's hiding something."

"What do you mean by 'acting like she's hiding something something." Curiosity dripping off my voice.

"I don't know how to explain it but its like every time I ask her a question she'll give me a one word answers." He replied nonchalantly. "But what about you and Jessinia?"

"It's like we're back at ground zero." Michael reached over and patted me on the back like I was child, "Don't worry man she'll give in."

I sure hope so.

"What about you Nathan, how are things with Mariah?" Michael asked turning to face him. Nathan face me us a simple shrug and continue to stare off in space. I was going to say something but the sound of the school bell cut me off.

Packing my stuff in my bag I then threw it over my shoulder and headed towards the door but was stop by the sound of Mrs. Simone, "Harry can you come here." It wasn't a question it was more of a demand. I walked over to her restraining myself from rolling my eyes.

"Harry I'm concern about grades. There's only a few weeks of school left and your making no progress to bring that D- that you have, if your planning on not changing that you'll soon have a F that's why I'm assigning you Mrs. Santiago for tutoring. You have finals to take in one more week, and this depends if your overall grade is a C or a F."

"Woah Mrs. Santiago as in Jessinia Santiago?" I asked trying to sound dull even though I was jumping up and down inside.

"Yes, is that a promblem?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"No, not all." I asked with a wicked grin spread across my face

I soon left to go to my last period class which was art. Walking in the art room I could already tell the class started. Mrs. Chi stood at her desk giving me a glare. "Where you been Harry?"

"Mrs Simone wanted to talk to me." I said back before taking a seat in the back of the class. I heard the seat next to me screech causing my head to turn in that direction. The corner of my lips twitch as I saw Jessinia take a seat. She didn't notice me as she started to fiddle with the paint brush in her hand.

"Hey." The sound of my voice caused her to jump and drop the paint brush her hand.

"You scared the hell out of of me." Jessinia snapped at me with her hand across her heart. I chuckled and pushed her hair out her face. She flinched at my touch.

You Found Me In My Darkest Hour (Nathan Sykes FanFic) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now