Chapter 23

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You guys really need to read my Niall FanFic because it need some love. I will really appreciate it if you guys give me feed back. Thanks.

The Wanted FanMily you guys are amazing, spread the word and tell everybody to buy Walks Like Rihanna on iTunes.

"When I fell, you pulled me through, so you know that I'll carry you." - Carry You by Union J (Jaymi) .

Michael POV

I stared at my ceiling letting reality sink in. I couldn't believe it, I was going to be a father.

Me Michael William Ortiz was going to be a father. My head was swirling with thoughts as a small smile spread to my lips. To be honest I was actually happy, the thought of little Michaels and little Leslies running around brighten my mood. I was financially ready but was I emotionally or mentally ready?

Oh course I was, I'm Michael Fucking Ortiz.

Yesterday after Leslie told me at first I was shocked but after I sobered up I gave her the biggest hug and told her how much I've loved her and that I was going to be there to support her all the way.

Pushing myself from the bed I headed into the bathroom in my room and did my usually morning routine. After brushing my teeth I dressed into my white Pierce The Veil Shirt and black cargos then slipped my feet into my Adidas slippers.

Going down the steps I strolled into the kitchen where the faint sound chatter could be heard.

"Look who finally woke up." My mom said to me as I took a seat at the table. I felt nerves come as say there debating with myself whether or not I should tell her.

I release a breath before speaking, "Mom I'm........ going to be a father." I said rubbing the back of my neck nervously. She dropped the fork in her hand looking at me flabbergasted.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm going to be a father." I repeated once again. She placed her fingers to her temple and rubbed it.

"Are you mad?" I asked in wearily.

"Michael I don't know. I'm In between mad and happy. Mad at the fact that you can be so careless and then happy that I'm going to be young grandmother. " Her face cracked into a smile as she held her arms out for a hug. I silently walked over to her and hugged.

"Your such a knuckle head." My mom muffled into my shoulder.

"I'm your knuckle head."

Jessinia POV

I was pacing around my room like a mad man ready to pull every strand of hair out. My breathing was uneven as I ran over thoughts that mad my feet hurt. How did I get myself in this fucking shit? Why was I such a slut sometimes?

I needed to tell Jay. I pulled my phone out my pocket with a shaky hand and dialed his number. There was a few rings before he finally answered, "Hello." A perky squeaky voice answered.

"Who is this?" I snapped into the phone.

"I'm Jay's girlfriend, who are you?" My body froze as my phone slipped down cheek and crashed to the floor. My throat was dried as tears rolled like tumble weed down my face. I wiped furiously at the tears, I can't cry nor be mad cause I'm as guilty as Jay is.

But the question in my head was, 'Did I cheat first or did Jay?' I needed to get to the bottom of this so I decided I'll call his best friend Siva to see if he knew where he was.

I retrieve my phone from the floor and called Siva.


I knocked on the door in front of me stood there waiting for somebody to answer. The door opened to reveal a red head her face caked with make up.

You Found Me In My Darkest Hour (Nathan Sykes FanFic) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now