Chapter 12

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"We're gonna rock your bodyy lets get on it the beat of your heart will ignite, We're gonna shock your body, CPR it the dead wont be sleeping tonight". -Rock Your Body by The Wanted.

Mariah's POV

Who said you can't have a McChicken at 7:30 in the morning? I bit into my McChicken and smile from the delightfulness. While everybody else was eating pancakes and bacon I was eaten a wonderful McChicken. Yeah boss staus.

I took my phone out my pocket and opened my Facebook app. I was scrolling through my news feed when something caught my eye. I clicked at the picture to get better view. I gasped at the picture and chocked on my McChicken. The bite of the McChicken was logged in the middle of my thoart, I tried to bring it up but it didn't budge. I grabbed my orange juice off the table and gulped it down causing the McChicken to slide down through my throat down to my stomach.

When I gathered myself, I notice everybody in the dining room was staring at me. Mrs. Sykes looked at with cofusion written all over her face while Nathan had was trying so hard not to laugh, but lost it at the end.  His mother shot him a glare which caused him to stop.

"" Nathan said in between laugh. I raised my eyebrows at him with a smirk growing on my face and flipped my phone over to show. I watched as his face turned red as a tomato and his eyes shot out wide.  I put the phone to a angle where Nathan can see it but not his mother. Mrs. Sykes gave us questioning looks but we ignored it.

"Now who's laughing now?" I asked as my smirk grew even wider. He just got up and walked out the dining room, I got up and followed him. when we were out of ear reach he stopped and looked at me.

I tilted my head to the side and asked, "Care to explain why there's a naked picture of you on my newsfeed?" He scratched the back of his neck and looked everywhere but at me. I tapped my foot and crossed my arms waiting for a reply.

"Well ermm..... I kind of lost a bet."  I stared at him for a couple seconds before bending over and bawling in laughter. Is this guy serious?This bet have to be worth for a naked picture to be put on Facebook. I really have to hear what this bet is about. When I sobered up Nathan was glaring at me but I shrugged it off.

"What's up with this bet?" I asked trying to conceal my laughs.

"Erm.... Me and Michael made a bet that if he could bang Leslie by the end of April I'll post a naked a picture of me Facebook."

"What the fuck! You betted on my best friend?!" I felt my temper rising this asshole have a lot of nerve to do stupid shit like that. He shifted on his feet uncomfortably. I gave him a disgusted look, is him and his friends really that low? They need to grow up. I stomping upstairs to my room and mumbled colorful words to myself. When I got to mid step I heard him say, "It's not my fault she's a dirty hoe." I whipped around and gave him glare. "Yeah and also not your fault that there's worthless man whore in this world like you. Also its not her fault that she feel for him hard." I carried on up the stairs and grabbed my book bag.

Oh bloody mercy it's time for school and I don"t have a ride, guess I'll be walking.

I locked the front door behind then watched as Nathan motor bike roared down the street. I let out a breath of frustartion and started my long journey to school. Today was a nice day, the sky was that sexy blue with big whie clouds. The tempature was a average of 70 degrees, and the wind blew at a nice rate. When I reached the school border I smiled to myself knowing that  I made it to school safe and sound.

I walked over to Jessinia, who was standing on the school steps talking to Jaythan. Is it me or are they secretly dating? I gave her a big smile and embraced her into a hug. "So where's the Les-lie?" Jessinia shrugged her shoulders and said' "I have no idea, I haven't her from her all yesterday." I bit my lip and thought, maybe Michael knows. "I'll catch up with you guys later." I made my way over where Michael, Harry, and Nathan were standing. The were leaning agaisnt black SUV having what I believe was a lovely conversation.

"Michael do you know were Leslie is?" I asked trying to sound polite as possible. He tensed a little before answering, "No."

"But she stayed the night at your house the other night."

"She did, but she left without telling where she was going." I nodded my head and turned on my heels and went inside the school building.


I threw my textbooks down on the desk in my room then flopped down on my bed. I texted Leslie at least a 100 times and she didn't answer. This is weird behavior froom her, she's always fast to reply to her text messages. I wonder what could be holding her up. I deciding on calling her step-mom to see if she was sick or something.

"Hello." She snapped through her phone,

"Um, do you know where Leslie is at?"


"Do you know where she might be?"


"Well-" I was about to ask her one more question but she hung up. I through my phone across the room and ran my hands through my hair. Where the hell could Leslie be?

The Next Morning

Jessinia POV

I rolled out my bed and shieled my eyes from the light coming through my drapes signalling that it was morning. I dragged my feet across my room and went into the bathroom. I peeled my clothes off and climbed into my shower. When I was down I wrapped myself in a towel and headed over to the sink. I grapped my blue toothbrush squirted toothpaste on it then brused my teeth. When I was done I went inside my room and turned on my tv. I put it on the news channel to check the local weather. When I heard the weather, I was about to turn off the tv when a picture of Leslie popped on the screen. Under her screen it read Missing.


Cliffhanges, you have to love them.

Sorry for the late chapter, but I have alot going on. This chapter may seem rushed and I'm sorry for that but you guys needed Chapter 12.

Happy Siva Saturday.

-Mariah Kaneswaran

You Found Me In My Darkest Hour (Nathan Sykes FanFic) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now