Chapter 1 (Edit)

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This is my first fanfic so it will be nice to get feed back. The beginning is very slow and boring but I promise as the chapter gets higher the book gets better so stay with me.  And the grammer really stinks I going through editing, I rather you skip to the second book.


I stared at the front of the chalk board like it was the only thing left in the world. Science isn't really my 'forte'. The science teacher voice is so annoying it makes you .want to shoot yourself in the head. Her voice sounds like nails running down a chart board.  

I don't know how her husband deals with her!

"Mariah, why are you still in class?" Mrs. Simone asked. I looked around the class and notice that the classroom was deserted. 'Man I must been gone' I thought to myself. I got up and left the classroom and headed towards lunch.

I arrived in the cafeteria and took a spot in the lunch line. It felt like hours before I could order my food. Before I can open my mouth to order my food somebody bumped me and stood in front of me. I stared at the person with my mouth on the floor. People are soo rude now a days.

"Can I get a double cheeseburger with fries?" The thing in front of me said with a sexy British accent -I must add-.

"Excuse me sir, but obviously you just  didn't see me standing here, so can you move?" He turned around and look at me with a raise eyebrow. My stomach did a flip flop when I realize who it was. It was our school famous bad boy, Nathan Sykes. He's been sent to jail 3 times! And he's only 17! Also he have a history with females at this school (if you know what I mean). But I don't blame the females he was a sex god with his chocolate brown wavy hair, sexy pink lips, and those captivating hazel/green eyes.

"If you stop drooling over me maybe I can answer your question." I snapped out of my daze and look up at him, he wasn't very tall so I didn't have to look up much.

"So yeah where was I? Oh! Yeah I'll move right after I'm down ordering my lunch." He said to me then turned back around. I felt my self start to shake, I always shake when I'm mad. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breath, then open them, I was going to say something back to him but he was gone.

I quickly ordered my lunch and took a seat with my friends Leslie, and Jessinia.

"So what was just going on with you and Nathan?" Leslie said while wiggling her eyebrows annoyingly.

"Nothing" I replied.

"Oh come on! I saw the way you were drooling over him." Jessinia said putting her two-cents into the conversation.

"I was not!" I was beginning to get frustrated. Why couldn't believe me when I said it was nothin?. Leslie and Jessinia threw their hands up in surrender and nodded their heads.


It was finally dismissal time, I bursted out the school doors cheering happily and begin to walk home. Art class was so boring, the Chinese bitch kept on trying to talk to me but her English was so broken that it began to annoy me. Like she was all like, "Mariah take sit, now or office you go!" Like what the hell? Speak english. But it's whatever.

Today was a nice day, bright blue empty skies, birds chirping, and the beautiful sun beaming down at this dark world. I know it sounds cliché, but hey, it was true!

"Do you mind if I walk with you?" A British accent that I could never forget, asked. I gave Nathan a side glance and nodded my head a 'yes'. 

We walked in silence until I spoke, "Um why you decided to walk with me?"

He gave me a million dollar smirk, "Well I thought you might need some company. You know when we reach your house we can discover something's about us." I gasped punch his shoulder. He rubbed his shoulder in pain and said, "Got damn you punch like a guy!" I rolled my eyes and sped ahead of him. I notice my house ahead and I did a cheer in my head.

"Yeah so I'll see you.... Um around I guess?" I said more as a question.

He didn't say anything he just winked and took off down the street.


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