Chapter 15

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I love The Wanted, thought you guys should know that.

Over 3000 reads, I'm eating with joy.

"I'm attracted to your passion' be yourself forget the fashion." - Emblem 3


Harry POV

Leslie, Leslie, Leslie, it seems like that's the only thing people can talk about. It was getting really annoying, the bitch is missing, otay leave it alone. I know it sounds harsh but that's the truth. If I was going to go missing I don't want the whole fucking talking about it. I knew Leslie but I never was close so maybe that's why this missing 'scenario' doesn't have a affect on me.

I took one last drag before passing the blunt to Michael. Michael doesn't really smoke but when he does he must be at a all time low.  He's been really mess up this week, he doesnt't want to talk to anybody nor does he want to eat. I think he might need to see a doctor he's already lost 20 pounds in matter of 2 days, 2 DAYS.

"Your gonna need to see a doctor." I said  throwing him a sideways glance.

"I don't need to see shit, I need to see Leslie." He threw the blunt on the floor and started to run his hands through his hair. He only ran his hands through his hair when his either pissed or nervous, and I'm guessing both.

"Well I see you later, hope you feel better." I mumble out before getting up and patting him on the back. He nodded his head at me while I got up and exiting his house. It was getting late outside so I decided on heading home. I lived on the rich side of town, like Nathan and Michael. All of our mothers work for this big company that I have no idea about, I don't really pay much attention to nobody's life but mine. Sounds selfish but I don't give a fuck.

I walked through the door of the house then locked it behind me. I notice toys were scatterd around the floor which meant my siblings weren't in bed. I kicked the toys out my was as I headed towards the kitchen. As soon as I got into the kitchen, I was endourse with screaming children.  I watched as my little sister Meghan slapped, my little brother Riley in the face because he took the last cookie. I took a look around the kitchen in search of our nanny Lauren but she was no where to be found. When Riley took notice in me he ran over to me and whined to me how Meghan smacked, I chuckled at his childish behavior.

"Riley where's Lauren?" I said while squatting down to be at his height. He shrugged his shoulders in response then ran off out the kitchen. I then turned to Meghan who was munching on a cookie, I was about to ask her where Lauren was too, but she ran out the kitchen behind RIley. I huffed in frustration then headed to my room upstairs. When I got into my room first thing I did was strip down to my boxers then crawled into my bed. I reached over towards my nightstand and grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and open my Instagram app. It's crazy how society revolves around social network, I feel like its the center of our country.

I go through numerous photos and double tap the ones I like. But one picture makes my blood boil. I stare at the picture as Jessinia and Jaythan face is pressed against each other, she gots her tongue sticking out while he is staring at the camera with a cheeky grin on. In the caption of the photo it reads 5.18.13 (For you the people who dosen't know what that mean, its the day where a couple start dating.) I guess I can't be mad I'm the one who friend zoned her, well life's a bitch.

Leslie POV

I stared at my mother as she stared at me. I wonder what she was thinking inside that Head of hers. In her face I can see the emotion of guilt and sorrow. Right now I felt empty, I didn't fell like laughing, crying or smiling, I just didn't feel like doing shit. I swallow the lump in my throat, then asked the question that I wanted to ask her since the day she left. me, "Why did you leave me Veronica?" She tensed up at my question or maybe she just tensed up because I used her first name.

You Found Me In My Darkest Hour (Nathan Sykes FanFic) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now