Chapter 18

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I feel like Ariana Grande's - The Way, goes with my book perfectly. I have no idea why, maybe it's that one line:

"I got a bad boy must admit it, you got my heart don't know how you did it."

Nathan's POV

A few weeks have past so today will mark the day of the court date. I wasn't nervous at all, the worst thing they could give to me is community service. I got charged with assault, battery and underage drinking - as far as underage drinking goes, all my mother has to do is pay a fine.But with assault I actually have to found guilty of, on top of that a fine and a court fee needs to be paid.

My  mom insist that I wear a suit and tie (a great song by the way) but guess what? I'm not. I don't understand why you need to be all dressed up, so a judge or jury can tell you if your guilty or not.Doesn't make sense right ? After slipping on my black boots, I skipped down the stairs taking two steps at a time.Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I see my lawyer Tom and my mom conversing.My mom took one notice at me and the smile on her face dropped.

"Hello Nathan." Tom said holding his hand out insisting that I shake it. I decline his offer which earned a glare from my mom.

"Can we go now because I don't have time to be waiting all day." Not waiting for a reply I strolled out the front door with my hands in my pocket.


"Stand up straight and remove your hands from your pocket." I did as I was told.

There wasn't much people in the room. It was only Harry, Micheal, Tom, my mom and the Judge."Can you explain to me why you three gentleman were fighting Robert Miller?" The judge asked us with a dull face. I opened my mouth to speak but Harry beat me to it.

"I wasn't fighting anyone, neither was Micheal." I jerked my to Harry as the lie left his mouth. Did he just lie to the judge? 

"Are you lying to me Mr. Styles?"

"No." Harry replied grimly.

"But we have two cops as an eye witness account." The judge said leaning back into her chair and crossing her arms on her chest.

"Your honor, is any of your eye witnesses here?" Tom chirped beside in beside me. I watched as the judge lean down and whisper something to security guard who stood in front of her desk.She turned her attention back to Tom."No they're not here Mr. Parker." That made Tom's lips form into a smirk.

"Due to the fact that they're not here, that automatically make the charges against Mr.Styles and Mr. Ortiz drop." The confidence in Tom's voice made the judge press her lips into a thin line.

"Charges against Mr. Styles and Mr. Ortiz are dropped." My jaw dropped when the words left her mouth. Harry and Tom practically lied to the judge and didn't even get caught. I wanted to punch those stupid smirks off Harry and Micheal's face,

"As for you, Mr. Sykes I will need your side of the story."

"To tell you the truth I was too intoxicated to remember anything, but I do remember beating Robert's ass." I said.

"Mr.Sykes, there will be no profanity use in my courtroom. Do you understand?" I nodded my head in a response and restrained myself from giving the finger to Harry who was snickering beside Tom.

"Mr. Sykes you will pay a $500 fine for underage drinking, another $500 for battery and you'll have 15hrs. of community service for assault." With that being said she banged the gavel and went through a door that was behind her desk.

Rolling my eyes in annoyance, I left outside the building ignoring anyone and everyone who tried to talk to me.


You Found Me In My Darkest Hour (Nathan Sykes FanFic) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now