Chapter 2 (Edit)

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I stared up at my ceiling just thinking about Nathan. It's funny how I just met him but he's on my mind 24/7. It was something about him that was so mysterious and evil about him. Theres a part of me that wants to explore him ( NO NOT IN THAT WAY) and get to know him. But then it's another part yelling at me telling me 'Stay away he's bad news. Do you want to get your heart broken like before!'

I cleared my head, I needed something to distract me. I jumped off my bed and decided to go to the kitchen and make something to eat.

I rummaged through the fridge to see if I can find something than can feel my appetite. But I didn't find anything that I wanted so I just grabbed an apple. The house phone begin to ring so I skipped towards the living room to answer it -and yes I love to skip-.

"Hello." I answered

"Is there a Lucy Horan here?"

"No, but I'm the daughter of her." I replied biting into my apple.

"Oh! So you must be Mariah?! Well I'm a friend of your mother can you can tell her that Michelle called?"

"Sure, will do."

"Thank you." She replied then hung up.


My mom didn't come home on time I've begun to worry. It was 11:57 pm and she usually be homes before 8. My palms started to sweat, and my lip strafed to trembling. I know what your thinking 'Oh it's no a big deal' but to me it is. This is unusual behavior for my mom. I've tried calling her and her job, but neither answered.

There was a knock at the door,I got up slowly and answered it. There in front of men were a police officer.

"Are you Mariah Horan?" The officer asked

"Yes." My voice came out weaker then what I expected.

"Your mother has got into car accident and died on impact."


Not really feeling this chapter.

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You Found Me In My Darkest Hour (Nathan Sykes FanFic) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now