Chapter 19

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"She can't sing, she can't dance, BUT WHO CARES AHE WALKS LIKE RIHANNA?" - Walks like Rihanna by The Wanted.


Leslie Pov

I smoothed out the skirt of my yellow sundress as I stood on the steps of my house waiting for Michael. Today was Danny's birthday and he was turning 7. I don't know why but I am a little nervous.

When Michael car parked I in front of the house I climbed inside and flashed him a smile which he did in return. "So how does everything look over there?" I asked whilst buckling my seatbelt.

"Great actually, everything looks so.... Red." I nodded my head and drummed my fingers on my lap. We hummed along to Moves Like Jagger as it played on the radio.

When we arrived at his house I could feel the butterflies in my stomach bubbling. Michael ran to the other side of the car and helped me out. We entwined are hands together and walked around the house into the backyard. Since the party was in the backyard it wasn't necessary to go through the front door, now am I right?

I let out a gasp as I took in the sight in front of me. It looked as if Spider-Man threw up on the backyard. From table spreads, paper ate napkins to balloons were Spider-Man. But the thing that really caught my eye was the big Spider-Man bouncing castle that stood to the end of the yard. I guess Michael wasn't lying when he said it was red. My eyes couldn't miss the amount of people that were there. Many children were running around spraying each other with water guns. I clutched closer to Michael which earned a soft chuckle from him, "Don't worry babe they're only children." I was going to reply back with a sarcastic comment but a force hit me causing me to stumble back.

I looked down to see the birthday boy hugging my legs. "Happy birthday Danny!" I say tussling his hair.

"Thank you Leslie." He replies before releasing his grip on me.

"I see that you like Spider-Man." He nods his head eagerly before pretending to shoot spider webs out his fingers.

"You know the Superman is better then Spider-Man?" I say jokingly. This mad his face drop as he stood there astonished.

"How dare you say that? I have the game for my 360 and Spider-Man always win." With that being said I watched as Danny stomped away. I didn't mean to get him mad it was a joke for Christ sake.

I turned to my side to be disappointed that Michael wasn't there. I looked around to be disappointed once again, Michael was no where in sight. I took a seat at an empty table in hopes that Michael will return. I felt a tap on my shoulder causing me to turn around. I see Michael hovering over me with two glasses in his hands.

"Sorry for leaving you, I went to get us something to drink." I nodded taking the glass from him. He took the seat next to me and put his arm around my neck.

"When your done I have a surprise for you." Michael says whilst playing with the end of my hair.

"You know I hate surprises."

"Don't worry about it babe." He says with a smirk on his face.

After finishing my I place it on the table and stood up looking down at Michael. "I'm finished." I say to him crossing my arms over my chest.

"Close your eyes first." I did as I was told and waited patiently curling my toes in my sandals

"Open your eyes." When I opened my eyes it was to late to run. My face was soaked with water by a water gun. I stood there like an idiot allowing it to happen until my mind kicked in telling me to run. Kicking off my sandals I ran around the yard screaming as I got wet.

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