Chapter 13

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Wattpad has been a butt lately, its not counting my reads. Am I the only one going through this? Anywho this Chapter is going to makeyou say wow, shit it made me say wow.

"Tell me with your mind body and spirit, I can make your tears fall down like the showers that are british. Whether we're together or apart we can both remove the mask,and admit we regret it from the start. <3" - One Direction (Louis), Over again.


Michael POV

I would be lying if I said I wasn't freaking out. Leslie was missing, and its all my fault. If only I didn't challenge Nathan to that stupid bet, Leslie would still be here smiling her big beautiful smile. Sometimes I let my ego and pride get in the way of everything. If I could go back and change what I did, I would with no hesatation.

I stood on the porch of Leslie house and stared at the front door. I didn't know what I was going to tell to her step mother and dad. Was I going to tell them it was all my fault? Naw, I'm just going to ask if they have any leads where she might be. I took a deep breath before knocking. A few seconds later a man answered the door. He was about 5'11 in his mid thirties. His hair was cut short his nose resembled Leslie so I guess it was her father.

"What do you want kid?" He lend agaisnt the door frame loooking annoyed.

"I was wondering, if you have the time to talk?" He looked me up and down, then turned his attention back to my face. "No." He responed bluntly, then shortly tried to close the door in my face but I stop it with my foot. Wow I never thought of Leslie dad as coming off as rude.

"I wanted to talk to you about your daughther."

"Who are you? Her shitty boyfrfiend?" My anger was beginning to rise but I concealed it and tried to say as polietly as I can  "No."

"Can you remove your fucking foot, I'm not in the mood to talk." I removed my foot and watched as he slam the door in my face. I walked down the steps of their porch and headed towards my house.

Now what was I going to do?

Man, my life is fucked up.


The feelings I was feeling now were pain, loneliness, curiousity, and so much more. RIght now I didn't know who to believe or trust. It seemed like everybody turned their backs on me, well except Jessinia and Mariah but right now I didn't need my friends love, I need something much more.

I took my seat on the plane and watched as the other passengers packed into the plane and took  their seats.  I chewed at my bottom lip to keep it from quivering, the water was rising to my eyes, but I shut my eyes tightly to keep the tears from crashing over. When I opened my eyes, there stood a tall skinny boy who was staring down at me. "Erm... do mind if I seat next to you?" I only shook my head and removed my duffel bag off the seat next to me. He took the seat next to me and kept throwing me worry glances. It took everything in me not to yell at him 'What the fuck are you looking at?'   I turned on my phone and notice I had 143 missed calls and 79 text messages, but I didn't bother to view the messages, I just tapped my music and listened to  The Way by Ariana Grande. 

*Many hours later.*

I threw my duffel bag over my shoulders and walk out the plane.  The wind hit me strong causing my hair to blow out of face, and my eyes to squint up. I made my way in the airport and squeezed through the dozens of people that were standing around. I kept getting stepped on and pushed, the worst part was that nobody said sorry. Rude much? When I finally maded it out the airport, I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the letter and read the address, '45 Lynch St.' After flagging down a cab, I climbed into the the cab and told the driver where to take me. I watched the streets of San Diego went by. My vision blurred as them stupid damn tears filled my eyes but this time I let them fall. Sometimes you need to cry it was a great way to let the feelings balled inside of you come out.  As I sobbed quietly to myself I didn't relize the cab came to a stop. I payed the paid the cab driver and got out. I wipped the tears off my cheecks and bit inside my cheecks.

I looked up at the house, it was a white and blue. Around the house there was red and white tulips. Two windows sat in front of the house. I walked up to the house and stared at the white door. My nerves begin to take over, my body began to shake and my palms started to sweat. I lifted my small fist and knocked at the door. I heard footsteps approched the door before it opened. The door swung open to reaveal a tall skinny woman with light brown hair like mine and dark brown eyes. Her lips were thin and pink that resembled mine.  I looked the woman up and down while she did the same. I stared up at her big brown eyes and said, "Hello mother."


Yaaaay I updated!

OMG One Direction is making a video to Rock Me in June, can't wait to see.

-Mariah Sykes <3

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