Chapter 7

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Mariah POV

When I woke that morning my head was pounding, it felt like a hammer was constantly hitting my brain. My feet felt so damn sore! What the hell happen last night?

I felt somebody arms around my waist I turned around to see who it was. I felt myself freeze as I notice it was Nathan. I took my time to examine him over, his brown his was ruffled and he was biting his lip. Who bites there lip when they're sleeping? Apparently he does. I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone and snapped a picture of him.

'This was so going on Facebook' I thought to myself.

I got bored so started playing with Nathan hair while he was asleep. His hair was so soft and chocolatey, it was almost edible. I laugh at the thought of eating his hair.

"What are you doing and what's funny?" I snapped out my daze and blushed slightly.

"Erm, oh nothing." I said a little to quickly. He raise his eyebrows at me questionably.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah..... Well ok, I'm hungry so...yeah gonna get something to eat." I started to get out of the bed but he stopped me.

"Why are you leaving so soon?" He asked on my ear with a husky voice. I shivered from his lips on my ear.. He must of notice cause I felt him smirk against my ear.

"Um, I have to... Um..." I said trying to find a good excuse but couldn't come up with with anything. He was about to reply but his phone ding (like when you get a text). I heard him a groan in frustration.

"I have to go baby doll, but we'll pick where we left off." He said blowing me a kiss then left. I sighed as I heard the roar of his motorcycle engine going down the street.

I did my usual morning routine, then dragged myself downstairs to get something to eat. When I entered the kitchen I saw Michelle sitting at the kitchen table sipping coffee, she looked at me and gave me a smile, "How did you sleep darlin?" She asked.

"Actually the best I sleep in years." I said truthfully.

"Oh I bet you did." She said with a smirk on her face.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well when I walked into your room this morning I saw you and Nathan there looking cute as ever, and I didn't want to interrupt so I left." I looked at her with wide eyes knowing that cherry color was back on my face.

"Mrs. Sykes, I swear to Bob the builder that we didn't do ANYTHING."

She let out a laugh, "I know you didn't do anything I was just pulling your leg and bob the builder?"

"Well I'm atheist and I don't believe in god so I swear to Bob the builder. Weird? I know, but it just a saying." She nodded her head in a reponse.

"Well I'm fine if you guys go out, it would be a nice distraction to keep him out of trouble." I faced palmed myself, is this lady serious? I thought about what will our romance name will be. Um maybe Mathan?

"Oh Mariah did you forget that your mom funeral is today?" I froze, how did I forget? What kind of daughter am I that I forget her own mother funeral!?!

"No." I said below a whisper.

"I know how you feel Mariah but you'll feel relieve when you see her just one last time."

"I know. Is Nathan coming?" I felt the tears come to my eyes but I held them back there was no way I was going to cry now. Ain't nobody got time for that (lol).

"No he's not. He doesn't even know your mom died I didn't tell him because its not in my place to tell him it's yours."

"Thank you I really appreciate that."

You Found Me In My Darkest Hour (Nathan Sykes FanFic) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now