Chapter 1

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Bella's P.O.V

September 29th, 1941...

The war has been going on for two years now. Two long, stressful years. The Great Depression had only just ended the minute this war started but my family still has had it hard to get back on our feet. With not enough money to maintain us both my sister and I, our father came to the conclusion it would be better if we joined the war.

"You might as well be worth something over there than here," he told us.

We didn't complain, of course we didn't. Just like our mother, all my sister and I ever wanted was to keep our father happy, so we accepted the fact that he had us already signed up and we were to be sent to Pearl Harbor in less than a day from now.

It was convenient for us, our mother is a nurse at a nearby hospital, she taught us all we know about to treat any kind of injuries to any kind of illness as we grew up. We were prepared to serve those men who served our country, even proud of ourselves, but not even our own joy to be part of something that big made our father feel any kind of love for us.

My mother, on the other hand, told us how proud we've made her every night before we went to bed. She loves my father and it's obvious how much he loves her. His only disappointment was that me and my sister weren't boys, just like he wanted. That's why he treats us in such way but the love he has for my mother is the only thing that keeps me from hating him.

As we grew up, our father had rules. We were not allowed to enter his office, talk during dinner, leave the house without him. Our dresses always had to be below our knees, if above we earned a good spanking. Our manners had to be perfect, we had to be respectful at all times. We weren't allowed to have friends, we were homeschooled but once the Great Depression hit that only happened once every week. We were under the wing of my father but tomorrow we're finally going to be on our own.

I sit on my stool, looking at myself in the mirror. My hair is very wavy, dark brown that makes contrast against my pale white skin. My hair just happened to match my eyes, just like my mother. I take my brush and softly brush my hair, running my hands through it to make sure I didn't miss a knot.

I can't believe tonight is my last night at home. Alice and I will be leaving early tomorrow in the morning. We're going to be taking a train to Los Angeles, from there a plane to Pearl Harbor with all the other nurses. We'll be in training for two weeks before we're allowed to see any patients and after that, we are going to be given a home with all the other nurses.

I'm excited, if I'm honest. Even when there's a terrible war going on all the way across the Atlantic Ocean, I'm still excited that I'll be able to go to Pearl Harbor and have many new experiences with my sister.

"Izzy, come on down to say goodnight!" My mother called me.

I place my brush down. "Coming!"

I skip my way down the stairs but come to a sudden stop when I see my father at the foot of the stairs with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Stop right there, young lady!" He growled. "Isabella Swan, do not walk down the stairs like that. It's improper and you could have gotten hurt. That's the last thing we need right now."

"Yes, Sir," I say, looking down at my feet.

"Come on, sit on the couch. Your mother and I have to talk to you," he said, turning over his heel and walked back to the living room.

Alice sat down at the couch, leaving space for me. My father sat down at the love seat with my mother on his lap. He wrapped one arm around her and looked at me and Alice with all the seriousness of the world.

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