She Captured The Man's Heart (Eguchi Takuya x Reader)

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He was wakkng around the street when he saw a cafe named ... (Cafe name) Cafe . Since he was just roaming around he decided to go inside . He settled himself in a empty table at the very end near the window . He saw the beautiful sunset and so he decided to take out his camera and take a picture of it .

"May I take your order , Sir ?" He looked back at the voice and he saw an average height girl with (Hair length) that was ponytailed . The guy's eyes went wide as he saw the girl . Blush started to form in his cheeks as he coughs .

The girl looked at him with a worried eyes and asks "Are you fine ? Do you need water or something ?" The man smiled . "No I'm fine ." She just looked at him like she was thinking alot that she can reach the other side of the country . Then she snap out from the reality .

"Um ... Your order , Sir ?" "Oh . Just a coffee ." The girl wrote it in his pad . "Coffee right ?" He nod . The woman smiled and turn away . The man just space out . He remember the girl's face which make his heart stop beating for a second . The man sighed and looked back at the sunset .

She Captured The Man's Heart .

Every day the man visits the cafe every sunset . Ordering the same drink , Coffee . Not that he was a stalker but he kinda want to see the girl every single day so he always visit . They never talked before except when it's all about orders but they never did have a good , long talk .

He came inside the cafe and look for the girl . There he saw the girl but something was different . Her hair was down . Again his heart skip beat again . His hands were trembling at every step he make . The girl seem to notice his presence so she turn around .

"Good afternoon , Sir !" She greeted cheerfully . The man gulp as his nervous go up . Today he'll ask the girl for his name and little by little he'll talk to her . "Um ... I ... I was .... Ju-just ..." "Yes ?" "Um .... Wh-what's ....Y-you're na-name ...?"

The girl giggled at the man . "It's (Y/n) ,Sir ." The man felt relieve after hearing the girl's voice . "I'm .. Eguchi Takuya . Nice to meet you ." The girl smiled . Everyday they will talked and share there opinions as little by little they were getting closer .

Everyday was the best day of the man and woman . She always make him smiled and so he does . When the girl laughs it make his heart go fast in unhealthy beating .

Today he decided to confess his love to the girl . Not that he's confidence but he can't stand on being a friends anymore but if the girl can't response it back .. he'll be happy to wait for the girl like how a gentleman be like .

The man entered in the Cafe hoping to see the girl but she's nowhere to be found . He asks the guy in the cashier "Where is (Y/n) ?" "Well she's taking some break ." Eguchi bowed and went out from the cafe .

He looked for the paper in his wallet . Luckily he remembered the paer that the girl wrote when he first talked to her . It was her home address . He went to the said address .

"(Y/n) ?" He said now standing infront of the house . He kept callig her name but no answer . He sighed and went away but was stop when he heard a familiar laugh . He looked back and saw the girl of his dream with another guy . He looked confused , angry but most specially sad .... Oh he didn't even confess .

Now he's broken hearted . He decided to walk away because he can't stand the view he's looking at .


Every single day the girl looking for the man but he's not even in . The girl keep asking where did he go ? Why did he stop coming ? The girl is in pained .
She was cleanig the table when she was stop by the presence at his back .

The guy who Eguchi asked .

"If your asking where did he go , He was here when you were taking a break . He probably went to your house but doesn't saw you there' ." The girl click a memory and saw a guy's shadow walking away when she was walking with her brother .

Maybe it was him .

The guy seem to misunderstood everything .

She throw the apron and runs . "I'm sorry ! I'll just go out !" She kept running not even looking at the guy . She kept running through on the crowd when she slam into unknown person . "I'm sorry !" The girl bowed but heard a giggle . She looked at the man and there he is .

"Eguchi ...." He pat the girl and said . "Why in a rush anyway ?" He continued to pat the girl . Tears started to form in her eyes as the guy became shock . He's worried rate goes up . "H-hey ..! Wh-why ..?! Di-did something hu-hurt you ..?! Or did I-I hu-hurt y-you ?!"

"No ... it's just ..." She sniffle . "It's just .... I thought ... I'll Ne-never .... s-see yo-you ... a-anymore ..." She continued her cries . The guy's eyes soften at his viewed . This is a new emotion he saw from the girl and it pains him . He rather want to see the girl smiled , laughs .

But he was kinda happy that the reason of all the girl's tears is him .

He cupped the girl's face and grab her trembling body in his arms . "You're so unfair , (Y/n) ..." He smirk . "Why do you always making my heart like this . You know ? Your the first one to make my heart beat so fast that I always remember you even when I'm sleeping ..,"

He parted the hug and captured her lips . It was a soft but long kiss . Crowd was looking at them in awe but this 2 people doesn't seem to care . All they wanted was each other . It's like they have their own world that no one can break ."I love you ... (Y/n) ..." The girl smiled and hug him back . "I love you too ..." Oh again his heart skip a beat when he heard her say those 4 words .... She just ...

She Captured The Man's Heart .


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