Facts about me . (Kaori-chan top 20 facts !)

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So Before I continued making the stories , I will first revealed Facts about me !! Yey ! Clap your hands ! It's Kaori-chan's top 20 facts that I'll revealed ! And ofcourse as an exception , 'Kaori-chan is my stage name okaaayyyysss !!

Let's start !

1. My very first anime that I watch in Television was .... Sailor Moon !

That was back when I was like 4 or 5 xD

2. I ship Yato x Yukine from Noragami

I like them and no one can stop me .

3. I hate Noragami Aragoto episode 5 where Kazuma died TT^TT

Cuz' I love Kazuma for my Bishamon !

4. I love Seiyuus (as obvious xD)

I probably know alot than what you reader-chan's think xD

5. My very first crush was Kirito from SAO

He's so cool ... even the CV , Yoshitsugu Matsuoka ^/////^

6. My very first Seiyuu crush and the very first seiyuu I've known is Kaji Yuki

I saw him in one of the anime I watch before back in 2014 called 'Guilty Crown' as the protagonist Shuu .

7. My very first reverse harem anime that I watch is 'Uta no Prince-sama'

And I love everyone in that anime ! Including the Tsundere Ranmaru !!!

8. Currently anime I'm watching is Dance with Devils , Diabolik lovers more blood (since I'm done at the season 1) andNoragami Aragoto .

9. I like Utaites

Like my love for the Seiyuus .

10 . My very first utaite I've known is Soraru nnn ~

His so emotionless but so hot xD

11. I ship SoraMafu (Soraru x Mafumafu)

Who cares if they call me weird xD

12 . I'm 12 years old xD

Who cares if I'm young xD Let my fantasies came true you grown up adults xD

13 . I'm 156 cm which people thinks I'm tall , cuz' they are small ...

My country people is so small so it makes me go tall Lol !

14. I'm a girl if you don't know .

I'm a girl ! Not a boy !

15 . My cup size is Cup A size 36

I'm big xD

16 . My waist line is 29

I'm fat TT^TT

17. I like sweet things

Literally any sweet things , I like them .

18 . My mom said that I have the blood of Spanish and Chinese and Filipino .

Which make me a mixed . But I don't look like that . Not even once .

19 . My parents are overseas workers .

Yup ... it's hard to be alone .

20 . I like Dogs and Cats . And I hate Insects all insects . I scare like, everything .

XD that's the real me ...

Okay that's some of my facts xD bye bye !

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