How Much is that Emo Record in the Window

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Visiting the Way household was becoming a daily event for Frank.

He'd leave school, walk over to the house, carrying what work Gerard missed that day. Of course, he never did it, but it was a little comforting seeing the pile of work on his desk, seeing as he didn't throw it away just yet. Frank would then stay for hours afterwards, seeing as he wanted to hang out with his boyfriend-but-not-really-since-they-never-really-talked-about-it.

On Monday, Frank knocked on the door like usual and expected to wait for 5 minutes while Gerard put on pants. Instead, the door opened about 3 seconds of waiting. Gerard was stood there, wearing skinny jeans and a t-shirt, which was a change, seeing as Gerard usually answered the door in baggy pajamas. His hair also looked damp, which meant he hopefully took a shower. 

"Do my eyes deceive me or did Gerard Way actually take a shower?" Frank asked.

"Actually, I did, smartass," Gerard said, grinning slightly. "I was rereading Mikey's letter to know exactly what to do when planning the funeral, when his whole inspirational part came up. It just kind of hit me, you know? And you know what? I'm going to go to school tomorrow."

"Really? Get ready for a shitstorm, though. You've missed, like, 8 billion tests."



hey do you wanna meet on the monkey bars? jamia and i will be there

Gerard responded to Frank's text quickly, assuring them he'd be over in 5 minutes. He grabbed his sweatshirt, which still felt like it was 9 sizes too big, and headed out the door.

It felt like it was freezing outside, yet Gerard saw it was 55 degrees when he checked the stupid Weather app on his phone. As he was refilling his Frisky Bits because goddamn Tubbs came again, he almost missed the park. 

"Hey asshole, we're over here!" 

His head whipped around, and he saw Jamia standing up on the bars and waving at him. 

"Man, it's been forever since I've seen you," Gerard said once he walked over to the park. Frank was nowhere in sight, which was odd, considering he was the one who made the plans in the first place.

"I know, and that sucks. I had to sit through math with only Frank to talk to. Speaking of boring Frank, where the fuck is he?"

"I was hoping you knew," Gerard said, a slight edge in his voice. "I hope he's okay."

"He probably saw some emo record in the window and had to buy it or something."


"You're spending too much time with Gerald! You should give him some space and some time to grieve!" Frank's mom shouted. 

"First of all, it's Gerard, not Gerald. Second of all, he's been 'grieving' for almost a month now, and he's finally starting to get better. He agreed to go outside the house! That's why I wanted to go!"

Mrs. Iero thought that her son shouldn't be spending so much time with a boy who she deemed to be mentally unstable. She thought he was a waste of time, that Gerard should be left to figure this all out by himself.

Frank begged to differ.

"Listen, I made plans to meet him and Jamia at the goddamn park. I can't flake out."

"Watch your language," Mrs. Iero scoffed.

"Oh my god, I'm trying to go see my friend who hasn't left the house in two weeks and you're focusing on me saying goddamn? I can say worse than that, you know," Frank said, becoming more angry by the second.

"Leave, then. Just go. I don't want to argue anymore."



"Sorry I'm late, fuckfaces, my mom was being a dick," Frank said as he finally made it to the monkey bars. He ran for about 2 whole minutes until he decided that Gerard and Jamia could wait an extra 5 minutes.

"Oh my God, I thought you got hit by a car or something," Gerard said, letting out a sigh of relief.

"No, my mom thought I was spending too much time out of the house."

"Really? My parents almost fell over when I told them I was going outside," Jamia said.

A gust of wind passed through the air, and Gerard shivered. Jamia looked at him oddly.

"I'm wearing a tank top and I'm not cold. How are you shivering while wearing a jacket?"

Frank shushed her, whispering something about 'explaining later.' He walked over to Gerard and gave him his jacket, which Mrs. Iero threw at him before he walked out, telling him he'll get sick if he doesn't wear it.


"Uh, I've got a question about the homework. Can I, um, see Frank over at the slide?" Jamia asked suddenly, jumping down from the monkey bars. Frank shot her a questioning look, but went anyway, leaving Gerard to shiver atop the bars.

Once they were safely at the slide--and out of Gerard's earshot--Jamia began to interrogate Frank.

"Why is Gerard so goddamn cold?"

"I dunno, maybe since he hasn't eaten in a while he's lost the ability to hold a lot of body heat? I'm not a doctor, you know."

"Whatever. Are you and"

"Well, we've kissed a few times and we hold hands a lot, but I've never gotten a yes or no answer from him," Frank said quickly.

"Have you asked?"

"No, but-"

"Hold up," Jamia said, sliding down the slide and  running back towards the monkey bars. Frank followed slowly, taking the stairs instead of going down the dirty yellow slide.

"I have to go now. That algebra homework is going to take me all night, so I may as well get started. Bye!" 

And with that, Jamia was gone.

Frank felt his phone buzz in his back pocket: now's your chance to ask him

"That was weird. Jamia doesn't do her homework a lot, let alone start it early," Gerard said.

"Yeah. Weird."

They sat in silence for a while, until Gerard slowly laced his fingers into Frank's.

"Okay, I'm kind of confused here. I've been getting mixed messages but I haven't asked because I'm a fucking nervous person. It's okay if you say no because I'm fine either way. Well, I'm really not, but I'll pretend like I am," Frank said, words tumbling out of his mouth.


"Um...are we, you know, dating?" Frank asked, quickly looking down at his feet.

"Do you want to be?"


"Good. I do too."

ayy pals lmao whats up long time no see

i was thinking about starting another fic since Rainy Day was kind of a flop 

but ive got Group Chat going

and my rant book

and dumb fanfic moments


okay comment if you want me to start another fic i have mixed feelings

vote/comment if you want to lmao 


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