Pete Has a Boopable Nose

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Pete ran right out of school, ran right past the teacher, ran right past the other kids doing their jobs. He ran all the way home. Like the littlest piggy. You know, the one who cried "wee wee wee" all the way home? ((What the actual fuck am I talking about? You know, I'll keep this in.))

Sure, Pete tried to be happy-go-lucky, and sure, he tried to not let anything bother him. But deep down inside, Pete was scared. Scared of school, scared of his parents. And hell, school scared the living shit out of him.

He'd always thought it wasn't "manly" to cry, but lately, Pete didn't really give a fuck about gender roles. He started realizing that gender roles are pieces of trash when he started wearing eyeliner. Makeup makes a guy look beautiful. Which, a lot of times, a guy is not beautiful. And Pete wanted to change that. He wanted to make sure that everyone knows that guys are beautiful.

However, that flawless eyeliner was now running down his cheeks as he was sat in the middle of the floor in his bedroom.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," Pete whispered to himself. He knew he should have kept his big fat mouth shut. His goddamn teenage boy hormones got the best of him, or maybe he was just too obsessed with Mikey Way. And yeah, Mikey was probably straight, and yeah, Pete didn't want to fuck up their friendship, but holy hell, he really wanted to be with Mikey. But he knew Mikey didn't want to be with him. Which made it worse. And even though he's only 13, and he doesn't think he truly knows what love is, but man, Pete thinks he's in love with Mikey Way.

I mean, Mikey isn't to blame about this whole situation. Pete thought he gave enough clues that he wanted to be more than friends with the taller boy, but he never came out, literally, and said that he wasn't straight. Most likely because he didn't want to hear the dumbass remark:

"So wait; you fuck pans?"

Yes, absolutely. He is attracted to cookware. Completely correct.

Basically, Pete doesn't give a fuck about genders. Pete cares about gender as much as he cares about whether the person he's dating has a cousin that has a parakeet.

Pete stood up and paced around the room, kicking at pillows, blankets, even his backpack.

"I'll show him...I know exactly what to do to make him mad," Pete said, wiping his tears away, the sadness getting replaced with red-hot, boiling fury.


Once Mikey has explained to the teacher that Pete was having "horrible bowel pains" and needed to "leave school immediately," he was allowed to go back home. He nudged fallen leaves and stray pebbles as he walked along the sidewalk, still processing what the fuck just happened.

Maybe he was just that oblivious, but he couldn't tell that Pete liked him. Of course, Mikey thought that stuff like putting your head on their shoulder was considered regular friend activities, but what would he know about that?

"Oh god, Pete probably thought that I liked him too! He must be crushed," Mikey said to himself, reaching his house. He needed to talk to someone about this, and fast. Of course, he couldn't talk to his parents, seeing as Mikey's not allowed to date girls until he's 15, let alone guys. But does he even want to date guys? His sexuality was still like a big fog cloud, and the fog isn't anywhere near close to clearing. Gerard wasn't home from god-knows-where, so Mikey had to figure this out on his own.

Walking into his room, he grabbed his laptop.

"What is it called when you sometimes like people the same sex as you," Mikey murmured as he typed a Google search.


After looking through countless LGBT+ Tumblr pages, dozens of Google search results, and multiple quizzes, Mikey finally found the answer he needed on, of all places, Google Images.

"Heteroflexible," Mikey whispered to himself, "Heteroflexibility is a form of a sexual orientation or situational sexual behavior characterized by minimal homosexual activity in an otherwise primarily heterosexual sexual orientation that is considered to distinguish it from bisexuality. It has been characterized as 'mostly straight,'" Mikey recited off of Wikipedia once he searched for "heteroflexible."

He felt as if a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders. It felt like a missing piece of him was replaced, and he smiled. Is this what it feels like to finally know what you identify as?

Now comes the hard part, Mikey thought, finding if I like Pete back or not.

I mean, Pete isn't bad looking. He has a cute, boopable nose. Plus, I can fit my head into his shoulder cavity thing perfectly. His hands are super soft and bigger than mine, and he's so small. So small I could fit him into my pocket. He's the perfect height for hugging, and-

"Oh god...I-I think I like Pete," Mikey said, rubbing his eyes.


"You know, you didn't have to walk me back to my house," Gerard said, a hint of a smile on his face as he looked at Frank.

"I know. But I wanted to."

"I didn't," scoffed Jamia, looking down at her phone,

"Listen, Lindsey won't leave me alone, so I'm just going to go over to her house," she said, stalking off in the other direction.

"Well, this is my house," Gerard said awkwardly.

"Um...same time, same place tomorrow?" Frank asked, a shred of hope in his voice. Gerard nodded.

Frank held his hand out to Gerard. However, Gerard skipped the hand and went in for a hug. Frank melted; Gerard was warm and soft and the perfect size for hugging. They stood in front of the Way household until Gerard broke from the embrace.

"W-well, I have to go. See you tomorrow," he said as he ran into his backyard, out of sight.

He walked into the living room, where Mikey was sitting, waiting for him.

"Oh man, I've got a lot to tell you," Gerard said.

"So do I."

Yes hello friends another chapter i know this took forever but i had writers block again hahahahhaha : ))))

anyway i hope you enjoy because i had to rewrite this several times

vote/comment if you want i dont give a shit im not a cop


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