I Might Have Told The Class You Have Crippling Diarrhea

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"It has been 30 minutes and Mr.Way has not come back; do any of you know where he's gone?"

Gerard's history teacher paced around the front of the room, his sausagey fingers running through his feeble comb-over. None of the students said anything; after all, it's not like any of them knew Gerard well enough to be texting him or anything, right?


Sat in the back of the classroom, hiding her phone from the teacher under her sweatshirt, was Lindsey. She'd gotten his number a while back, but always assumed Gerard blocked her because of how much she used to harass him.

Where the fuck are you??? The teacher is going to call the office soon...

Lindsey got a response almost immediately.

Tell him that I said I wasn't feeling good and had "abdominal pains all day" or something like that

Okay, but you have to tell me where you snuck off to tomorrow


She turned her phone off and raised her hand.

"Yes, Miss Ballato?"

"Um, Gerard wasn't feeling well all day. He had, erm, abdominal pain and was glued to the toilet all weekend. I don't want to go into detail, but let's just say that he's got some bad, um, you know... Yeah, he's either at the bathroom or at the nurse getting some Immodium," she said hastily. There were a few snickers from around the class, and the teacher sighed.

"Fine. I'll wait a bit longer. Now, go back to taking notes on chapter 8."

Lindsey pulled out her phone, sending one last text to Gerard.

Btw I might have just told the whole class you have chronic diarrhea. You'll thank me later xx


Patrick glanced down the hall where Mikey's locker was. He was starting to get worried; after Pete came over and flaunted their relationship, Mikey seemed to disappear.  

"He's not here," he shouted to Pete, who was looking in the stalls of the bathroom.

I  didn't think he would get this upset...I only wanted to make him a little jealous. I thought he didn't even like me that way!

"Pete! Are you even listening?" 

"I-um, sorry, no..." Pete said, looking down at the floor. Patrick's expression softened.

"It's okay; I know it's a little frightening," Patrick said, giving Pete's hand a squeeze.

"I just hope he's alright."


"Oh god, Mikey; I should have helped."

Gerard and Mikey were sat in a small patch of woods on a small park bench. Gerard used to run here to talk to Melanie, since he thought his parents would question him talking "to himself" alone in his room. Now they don't really give a fuck.

"I...I know. I just don't know what to do. I'm scared that he's going to abandon me altogether, ditching me for Patrick. That's another thing; he didn't even tell me he liked Patrick. Are we not that close to even share crushed? Does he not want to be friends anymore? Was him saying he liked me some secret code for 'get the hell out of my life?'"

Mikey's breathing quickened, his heart sped up. He felt himself growing faint. The world around him seemed to move in slow-motion, everything except himself. He took a shuddery breath, the world sped up just a smidgen. 

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