One Is Never Done With the Meme Jokes

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"Hey, Patrick? How about I, erm, give you a little tour around my house? Mikey's been here a million times, so he can wait out here or bring us food or something while I give you the grand tour," Pete suggested.

"Excuse you," Mikey said jokingly, "but I happen to be a guest. And I don't appreciate you treating me like your servant."

"Oh, pardon me, Your Royal Highness."

"I'll just wait in the kitchen with your mom," Mikey retorted, "she won't make me get her food."


Pete led Patrick all through the house. He showed Patrick the cupboard under his basement stairs, and told him that he used to sleep in there occasionally to feel like Harry Potter. Patrick was thoroughly enjoying the tour, and listened intently to Pete's stories. He didn't call Pete a nerd, which is what Mikey would have done. Although Patrick was very polite and, he'll admit, hella cute, Pete missed Mikey's humor 

When they went upstairs, Pete conveniently saved his bedroom for last. And NOT because he wanted to get fucked in the ass by Patrick. He wanted to finally come clean about why he suddenly "found interest" in Patrick.

"And yeah, this is my bedroom. I fucking vacuumed it for you; you'd better be fucking proud."

"Oh, totally," Patrick said, widening his mouth in mock-awe.

"Listen, um...I have something I want to tell you," Pete started, sitting down on the bed. Patrick sat next to him, his warm hand grazing over Pete's.

"Okay, what?"

Pete stared at Patrick, the adorable fedora, and the way he sat; his legs crossed slightly, hanging off the bed so he could look at Pete. And his hands, oh god, they're so fucking soft.  As Pete locked eyes with the boy sitting across from him, inky brown staring into green pools, he realized he couldn't do it. He didn't take the time to get to know Patrick and learn how great he really is.

"I, um, I'm sorry that I didn't give you a heads up that Mikey would be staying over as well," Pete blurted out, grabbing hold of Patrick's soft-ass hand. The other boy gave it a tight squeeze. Right on cue, Mikey walked in, holding three bowls of popcorn. 

"I'm bAaAaAaAack!" he half-yelled, only to freeze up when he saw Pete and Patrick holding hands. In fact, he spilled one of the bowls onto Pete's newly vacuumed carpet.

"What the fuck?"

"Um, Pete, I have, a....question about how to turn your sink on. It's like a spaceship in there; I don't know the fucking controls," Mikey stammered. Pete looked skeptical, but followed Mikey out the door into the bathroom.


Patrick bent down and picked up the loose pieces of popcorn, putting them back into the plastic bowl. 

"What am I doing here? He obviously wants to hang out with Mikey," Patrick whispered to himself, picking lint off some popcorn. He sat back on the bed, smoothing out the black comforter on top. He considered walking right down the steps and out the door, so he didn't have to deal with 8 million side conversations between Pete and Mikey,

 But he didn't; he got back up to pick up more popcorn that klutzy Mikey spilled everywhere. He noticed some had rolled underneath the bed. Laying on his stomach, he reached his hand under. Patrick grabbed something that was clearly not  popcorn. He sat back up, a little revolted. 

"I'll just leave the rest of the popcorn for him to find."


"I'm guessing you didn't tell him," Mikey whispered. 

"I-okay, I didn't. But I actually think I kind of like him," Pete admitted, turning beet red. Mikey's expression remained neutral; he was quite skilled at his poker face, although he'd much rather be showing obvious signs of dismay.

"I see."

Pete was no idiot; he could see right through Mikey's "I don't care what you think" act. Mikey was obviously hurt, but Pete wasn't sure why. After all, Mikey didn't have feelings for him. Did he?

"I should probably get back to Patrick," Pete said awkwardly.

"Okay. I think I'll actually use the bathroom, considering I told Patrick I didn't know how to use your fucking sink," Mikey said, clenching his fist.


"You're such a fucking meme," Frank said to Gerard, almost pushing him off of the monkey bars.

"Can you chill with the meme jokes?" Jamia said, carelessly re-applying her eyeliner.

"One is never done with the meme jokes," Gerard said.

The three of them were hanging out at the park yet again; Lindsey was supposed to come, but bailed out because she had a "hot date." 

"You know, I don't even think kids come here anymore. I think their parents are afraid of us eating their souls or something," Frank said, looking around at the almost empty park, with the exception of a few ducks.

"Me," Jamia said, pointing to a duck.

"What the fuck?" Frank said, shaking his head.

"I think you mean, what the duck." 

"Oh my god, shut your fucking mouth," Gerard said, facepalming.

Gerard felt his phone buzzing, and saw an incoming call from none other than his brother. He thought about answering it, he really did, but ended up putting his phone back in his pocket. Mikey would understand, right? He was out with friends; he shouldn't have to act like the parent when he's trying to be a teenager.


"PickuppickuppickuppickupPICKUP!" Mikey whispered into his phone. He turned it off in frustration. It was no use; Gerard had ignored six of his calls. He was still sitting in Pete's bathroom. He was feeling a little hurt, considering nobody had come to check on him or ask if he was okay. And worse, he felt his heart speeding up, his mind racing, palms sweating, and his breathing became shallow and rushed.

He could NOT have a panic attack in his friend's bathroom. He started doing breathing exercises, counting, anything to stop him from completely losing himself to a panic attack. And just when things couldn't get any worse, he heard a knock on the door.

"Mikey? A-are you alright in there?"

It was Patrick.

fuck sorry for leaving you guys on cliffhangers so much but im actually proud of this chapter

sorry for making you wait like 8 million days for an update

speaking of which ((segway skillz))

comment below how often i should update because i literally have NO updating schedule whatsoever

vote/comment if you want lmao 


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