Frank is an Invisible Dragon

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Mikey's fingers shook as he rang Pete's doorbell. Anxiously cracking his knuckles, he checked his phone, making sure he had the right time.

the earliest you can come to my house is 12:30, since Patrick is leaving at 12:00.

He reread and reread the text, then checked the time: 12:32. Right on schedule. Mikey heard footsteps, then stood with a grin on his face as Pete opened the door. He was looking slightly sleepy, with poofy hair and pajamas still on.

"Hi," the shorter boy said, breaking into a grin, "does your stomach feel better?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine now." Pete's smile switched into a typical "concerned Pete Wentz" face.

"Alright. Fine. Do you want to go in the back, by the tree?"


As Mikey and Pete rounded the corner to Pete's backyard, Mikey felt like something was a little odd about the area surrounding the tree. There was a stray pillow, along with some candy wrappers and pieces of popcorn. Although Mikey found it a little stupid, he was feeling a little weird that Pete most likely slept under the tree, Patrick by his side.

"You and Patrick"

"Yeah. Your point is?" Pete said, absentmindedly picking up a pillow.

"It's nothing...just that nothing can be special when Patrick's in the picture," Mikey spat back, saying Patrick's name like he was talking about Hitler.

"What's so bad about Patrick?" Pete said angrily.

"Let me answer your question with another question. Why did you get with Patrick in the first place?"

"Uh, to make you jealous. But you already knew tha-"

"Would you have found Patrick cute any other way?" Mikey asked, treating it like an interrogation scene. Damn, he thought to himself, I could totally be a lawyer later on.

"I sense that my trying to get you jealous move actually worked?" Pete said, smirking slightly. He had to admit, Mikey looked cute when he got angry and flustered: his normally pale cheeks finally had some color to it, his hair got slightly messy and out of place, and he could see the faint outline of a few small freckles across his nose due to his flush, red face.

"Hell fucking yeah it did, Pete Wentz! And not just because you two are dating; I tried to be happy for you at first, until he seemed to replace my spot as your best friend. You hung out with him every day, like we used to. You took him and let him sleep under our goddamn tree, for Pete's sake!"

"For my sake?"

"Oh shut the fuck up, you snarky little shit."

The two plopped down under the godforsaken tree and said nothing for quite a while. And all that while, Pete was staring at Mikey. And taking in how fucking pretty he really was. Patrick was adorable, he would admit, but the two of them didn't have the same type of bond that him and Mikey did. Hell, Pete still didn't know Patrick's middle name. But he could tell you Mikey's, and a hundred more things you want (and don't want) to know about Mikey Way. 

"Mikey, I...I've made a mistake. I think I'm with the wrong person," Pete said suddenly, standing up and facing Mikey.

"H-how can you be sure?"

"Because I'm fucking sure of what I'm going to do next."

With that, Pete leaned forward and placed his lips on Mikey's.


After Gerard had received a text that Mikey was "not coming home until tomorrow," he turned to face Frank, who had stayed over after the kiss. They talked about loads of things: how they'd each had secret crushes on them, their lives outside of school and the monkey bars (which were really fucking boring), and everything they didn't know about each other. Including the fact that Frank hadn't fully told Gerard his sexuality.

~~~dramatic flashback to last night *doo doo doooo*~~~

"Oh yeah, about how fucking gay I am..." Frank said at around 3 am.

"That's the best way to start a sentence, like, ever."

"Remember how I said I was bisexual?" Frank added, his heart starting to pound a little faster.

"Yeah, why?"

"I was sort of telling the truth. I'm actually biromantic. So I'm asexual as well. So basically, I'm everything that a bisexual is, minus the desire for sex. I'll do all the holding hands and cuddling, but kissing is as far as I'll go," Frank said quickly, letting the words tumble out of his mouth.

"Why weren't you honest with me from the start?" Gerard asked.

"Well, because...because nobody ever seems to understand asexuality combined with another sexuality. Besides, bisexuals, pansexuals, and asexuals are already invisible anyway, so a combination of the two is like being an invisible dragon," Frank admitted.

"Do you know how much time I spend on Tumblr? Don't sweat it, I understand completely."

Gerard leaned in for another kiss. It was short and sweet, but still just as good.

~~~end dramatic flashback~~~

"What do you think Mikey's up to?" Gerard asked.

"Probably getting laid," Frank said.

"FRANK. He's thirteen, oh my fucking God," Gerard yelled back, punching Frank on the shoulder.


Patrick had just eaten dinner when his phone buzzed.

Hey pattycakes ((((: can I talk to you about something???


Haha. Very funny. But yeah you can talk to me.

I want you to know that i had fun these last couple of weeks

i did was nice to have a boyfriend xxx

The phone said Pete was typing. For a very, very, very long time. Patrick was a little worried; Pete was a relatively fast typer. Finally, He received a message, a huge message, with correct punctuation and capitalization and everything.

Yeah, about that...You're great, Patrick. You really are. You're sweet and kind and a beautiful little cinnamon bun and you don't deserve this. The reason we got together was not because I secretly liked you this whole time. I got with you because I wanted to make Mikey jealous because I'd asked him out the day before and he said no. It was a horribly selfish thing for me to do, and I didn't even expect you to say yes. And although I had a great time being your boyfriend, it didn't feel right. I still found myself looking at Mikey and thinking he was hot. And I'd looked at you, thinking you were adorable and kind of cute, but never hot. I fucking hate to do this over text. I really do. But I'm a fucking coward and can't stand to face you and say this to your face. 

This hurts me more than it hurts you. No, that's bullshit. It probably hurts you way more than it hurts me. But it needed to be done. I'm sorry I put you through this mess, put you through all these lies.

Patrick shook as he saw Pete begin to type again.

I'm breaking up with you, Patrick Stump.

YO look @ me updating quickly

lmao peterick has died and went back into hell where it belongs ###praisegeesus

this chapter was really gay. like really fuckin gay man.

vote/comment if you want to lmao


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