Meeting the way brothers more like the ayyy brothers amiright

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They say the perfect aesthetic for a high school senior boy is tall, lean, muscular, athletic, nice hair, and pretty damn sexy. You're also expected to be straight, have a perfect grade point average, and be nice to everyone.

Gerard Way was none of those things. Tall, maybe, at around 5'9. Lean, not so much. He considered himself to be a little on the chubby side. Athletic? Hell no; Gerard couldn't kick a soccer ball without falling on his face.

And he was pretty sure that semi-greasy, dyed black hair didn't cut it. And Gerard sure as hell wasn't sexy ( though some people would beg to differ.)

He didn't have a perfect GPA, wasn't the sweetest little cinnamon roll on the planet, and definitely wasn't straight.
But, as Gerard went through this with himself one morning, he realized that he couldn't care less about what some dumb people in his grade thought about him.

Well, except Lindsey Ballato.

Lindsey was a fucking goddess in Gerard's small school; the perfect "punk rock chick who doesn't care what anyone thinks and is completely chill" aesthetic, a gang of emo friends who would rip you to fucking shreds, and was known for being the hottest girl in school.

Of course, Gerard thought she was pretty, but as he was a flaming homosexual, that didn't really matter.

Gerard didn't know why he had thoughts like this at 5 in the morning. But, when you wake up at 5 after staying up until 2 just to sit through 8 hours in a hellhole, you tend to have some strange thoughts when you wake up. Sometimes they're troubled, but what's only when Gerard's self esteem matches.

Gerard groggily pulled on a wrinkled black shirt and some skinny jeans, and walked quietly downstairs to the kitchen. He didn't want to wake his little brother, Mikey, who didn't need to get up for another hour.

Grabbing a brown banana, he sat and ate breakfast. Since he had extra time, he screwed around with tumblr on his phone, but everyone knows you have to be a rocket scientist to figure that shit out.

Finally, Gerard left for hell-I mean school-and sighed as he walked out the door.
Thirteen year old Mikey Way woke up because of a nightmare at 5:48 that morning, in a cold sweat.
Mikey glanced at the clock, and mumbled a swear. He knew that his older brother left the house every day at 5:45 on the nose. He met up with his friends and waited at a park near the school every morning until school started.

Mikey hopped out of bed, wiping the back of his neck to get rid of the sweat. He pulled on some clothes and went into Gerard's room across the hall.

Mikey knew what he was doing was wrong, but he needed to. Every time he had a nightmare, he would go into Gerard's room with him, and Gerard would help him calm down. So it just felt right to lay on his older brother's bed until his pulse slowed down.

Once he felt ok, he went back into his room and looked at himself in the mirror.
"Ok Mikey. You're gonna do great today. Don't let your anxiety hold you back. Raise your hand today. Talk to somebody. It'll all be ok," he whispered to himself as he breathed deeply. Mikey repeated those same sentences every morning since he started middle school. And every morning, he lied to himself. But it was nice to have that false sense of security.

Mikey jumped down the stairs, two at a time, since both of his parents left early for their jobs, since they had a pretty long commute. He fixed himself a bowl of cereal and sat down on the couch. He'd gotten up too early, and had some time to kill, so he put on the TV.

AYY hello friends yes yes I have a new story. So like idk this chapter is really short but I'm introducing the two main characters and idk I just felt like I didnt have anything else to say. So yeah I really like this story I'll update as frequently as possible.
Please vote and comment and all that good stuff I'd appreciate it

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