Lindsey's and Jamia's Letter

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Dear Lindsey,

Hi. So, I don't know a lot about you. But I know enough about you to write you a small letter for you.

One: please don't consider Gerard as a potential boyfriend. I'm 99% sure he's dating Frank, first of all. But don't bring it up; I don't want to accidentally out anyone or anything.

Two: I've heard Gerard say that, although he wouldn't date you, you're still hella pretty. Don't let it go to your head and give blowjobs to every guy in your grade. Make those BJs special.

Three: I've heard your name come up from Frank a couple times. Usually, it's along the lines of "Jamia is upset with Lindsey" or "guess what happened with Jamia and Lindsey?" From what else I've heard, you two (you and Jamia) seem like you're good friends. Don't screw that up. It's your senior year, you're almost in college. At least have one good friend to stick with through the years. I know what's it like to be friendless, and it's not fun. Don't go through your last year of high school with no friends.

This is all just my opinion, though. You don't have to listen if you don't want to.

Have a good life,

Mikey Way


Dear Jamia,

Oh, hey. Do you know who I am? I doubt you do. The only reason I know you is because I've heard Frank talk about you. And, I dunno, I just wanted to write a letter to you addressing some things.

I heard from Frank that you and Lindsey tend to fight a bit. Don't let her go, no matter how much she annoys you. You need to have at least one friend that you can get in fights with and eventually make up. It seems to me like you and Lindsey have done that a lot. It sounds a little crazy, but keep her around. She might really need a best friend, a best friend 'till the end. And since you seem to stick with her through all of her crazy antics, I think you really do want her as a friend.

It just pains me a little to hear about friends fighting all the time. From what I've heard, it's usually Lindsey doing something stupid and you getting mad. Choose your battles, Jamia. You don't need to fight about every little thing. If you fight too much, it starts to get annoying and repetitive. Plus, one fight over a petty thing could mess up a friendship for life, and nobody wants that, do they?

You don't need to take my advice, you know, since we hardly know each other. I'm just giving my input, and I thought I'd share my thoughts before know...

Anyway, don't forget to have a good life.

-Mikey Way

alright this chapter is hella short but i wanted to get these gotdamn letters out of the way

im done with them now its time for plot

im sorry i made y'all cry but things needed to be done



im just a bean, tending to their memes


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