Oh My God You're a Weeaboo

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He knew he shouldn't feel this way. He hardly does anything that upsets his parents, gets good grades, and he's still not sure about his sexuality. Honestly, he's still not sure about a lot of things in his life. But there was one thing he was sure of:

He was in love with Pete.

Even though I'm only 13 and I doubt I know what love truly feels like, he thought as he pushed his glasses farther up the bridge of his nose. He walked around his room, running his fingers through his fringe. Thinking of lunch, he grinned. Pete's jokes were fucking hilarious, and his smile, oh god, his smile. It was so wide and bright, and could cure cancer. And the way he fixes his fringe; holy smokes.

"Patrick! Could you come down here for a minute?"

Patrick sighed, but made his way down to his mom.



Gerard's thumbs flew across his phone, sending a message to Melanie. About 5 minutes later, he got a notification that she was calling him.

"This better be important, Gee; you're totally interrupting my anime binge," she said, shaking out her multicolored hair.

"It is, I swear. Your advice to getting a guy didn't work."

"Really? Okay this was totally worth interrupting episode 7 of Free! Iwatobi Swim Club."

"Oh my god, you're a fucking weeaboo..."

"I actually am not a weeaboo, but what do you have against weeaboos?"

Gerard gave an exasperated sigh, but smiled.

"Anyway, I tried to go for it, but he was talking with some girl a-"

"Do you think he likes her?" Melanie interjected. Gerard's eyes widened.

"You know, I never thought of that. I never even thought that Frank might be straight. Being surrounded by a lot of LGBTQ+ people on the internet has made me forget that, yeah Gerard, people can be straight."

"God, Gerard; you need to get out more. Well, actually don't, since the world is full of homophobic assholes. But, back to your advice. I'd say that your best bet is to try to get on Frank's good side. Be his friend, hang out with him. That kind of stuff. Maybe through that, if Frank trusts you enough, he'll share his sexual orientation. Anyway, I should probably get going," Melanie said.

"Okay. Thanks for the advice."

Gerard closed his laptop. Looking at his clock, he saw that it was already 12:30. He wasn't tired, but he figured he should try to fix his sleep schedule.


Mikey rolled over in bed, awoken by his phone buzzing. Damn it; he forgot to put his phone on "do not disturb." Someone was calling him. Mikey didn't have his glasses on, but he was 99% sure it was Pete.

"Pete, I swear to God, you'd better be in mortal peril right now for calling me at 12:30," Mikey said groggily.

"Okay Mikey, I admit: I'm not in mortal peril. But I need to talk. In person. Come to my house and go to the willow tree. Bye now!" Pete said, hanging up, leaving Mikey to sit in his room, mouth wide open. He'd never tried to sneak out of the house before. Hell, he's never even wanted to. But, this was Pete, and Mikey would do anything for him.

Mikey shook slightly as he pulled on some shoes and grabbed a jacket. Now how the fuck was he supposed to sneak out? Feeling slightly scared, slightly excited, and slightly nauseous, Mikey decided to climb out the back door.

"Goddamn," Mikey whispered, coming to the realization that he was acting like a rebellious teenager. Feeling a rush of adrenaline, he set out to Pete's house.


"Holy hell, Mikey; don't step on me."

Mikey froze, his foot inches away from a moving, shadow-ey mass.

"Sorry; I didn't see you."

Pete turned on a dim flashlight, a beam of light illuminating the tree trunk. Mikey saw that Pete had brought out 2 pillows, along with a bag of popcorn and two Twix bars.

"What the fuck am I doing in your yard at 1 am on a Wednesday?" Mikey asked, sitting down next to Pete.

"Well, two things: One, having a rebellious sleepover in my backyard on a school night. And two, I want you to tell me what happened in the bathroom," Pete said. Mikey sighed.

"Can we get number two out of the way right now?"

"Sure thing," Pete said, pulling his knees up to his chest and leaning against the tree.

"Well, I was diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder. Both general and social. Test scores really bother me because, well, I have a fucked up train of thought. If I get bad grades, I won't get into a good math class in high school. And then I won't get into a good college, and won't get a job. But I don't plan having a career that has to do with math. But what if I want to quit it all and become an accountant? But, I'm no good at math, so that would never work. Also, the reason I have no friends other than you is because of my social anxiety. Like, I want to talk to new people and get invited to parties and do regular teenage things, but my anxiety is the thing that's holding me back, an-"

Mikey realized he was crying, tears falling softly off of his cheeks, and stopped talking. Pete pulled his friend into a hug.

"I'm so sorry...I didn't know you had to deal with all of this."

"And to top it all off, I'm so confused about my sexuality and with everything else and some days I just don't want to do anything and ju-"

"Mikey! It's okay; I'm here for you."

The two boys let go of their hug, and Mikey dropped the subject altogether. The rest of the night was filled with popcorn fights, conversations about people at school, and remembering that Pete also forgot to set an alarm for the next morning.

It was around 3 am when Mikey began to feel tired. Since he was sleep-deprived, on a semi-sugar high, and basically a kid, Mikey fell into Pete's side, his head resting on his friend's shoulder. Maybe he did it just to make Pete actually melt into the ground, or maybe Mikey was just a kid who couldn't take a hint that possibly, his best friend has a crush on him.

That awkward moment when you write Mikey to have the same anxiety situation as you oh

But yeah I don't think you guys know a lot about me so here are some things you should know about this band trash author:

i'm 13 please dont kill me

im like 98% gay/asexual and agender (and i use they/them pronouns

i like mcr, fob, twenty one pilots (can't do the little slashy o thing) and p!atd

also fun fact: tyler joseph was going to be gee's internet friend but i decided to use melanie martinez instead

vote/comment if you want

also wow i'm seeing fob in madison square garden in march and i might get tickets to go to the meet and greet im dying


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