why did i make my smol son sad im crying

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2:17, on the nose. He knew because he was checking his phone constantly, for any sign of a text message, a like on Instagram, or even a goddamn email. Still, no notifications, no vibrations; nothing. All that was heard was the slight whistling of his breathing, and the faint snoring of his dad in the next room. Sighing, he fumbled to find his glasses on his nightstand. There was no way he was falling asleep. Not for a while, at least.

Patrick had nobody to talk to, nobody to find comfort in, nobody who would be okay just sitting and listening. He's always been the person to listen, always the person you came to in times of need, only to get ignored until you had another problem. Right now, Patrick wished he wasn't that person. Hell, he had 4 people in his contacts: his mom, his dad, Pete, and...


"He owes me," Patrick whispered to himself, "right? I mean, I got him out of Pete's house when he was feeling shitty. So if he says no, I'll know he's an asshole and Pete's making a mistake."

He went to dial Mikey's number when he hesitated and put his phone down. Where the hell would they go? Would they talk over the phone? No, that wouldn't be the same. He'd just have to pray that Mikey was awake. He picked up his phone again and dialed Mikey's number.


Mikey was laying under Pete's willow tree, Pete asleep on his shoulder. Mikey's heart was racing; he was sitting under a tree at 2 am with a beautiful boy asleep on him. Him, Mikey Way, who nobody would talk to before Pete moved here. You know, he should thank the secretary for making Mikey Pete's guide, since there are about 6 other people that have the same exact schedule as the two of them.

Mikey felt his phone buzz like crazy in his pocket. He pulled it out of his pocket--careful not to wake sleepy Pete--and saw the person he least expected to be calling him at two in the morning. The contact name: tree.

"Patrick, what the fuck?" Mikey whispered into the phone. He heard a sigh on the other end.

"Oh, thank God you're awake. Listen, I need to talk to you, okay? Do you mind? You know what, I don't give a fuck if you mind or not; walk to the park closest to the school. Please," Patrick said, hanging up abruptly. Mikey glanced around for a pillow that Pete had brought down, and placed it under the smaller boy's head. He grabbed around for a blanket, covered Pete up, and started jogging to the park.

"This better be important," Mikey said to himself.


"...and we kissed and it was magical and oh my God, Mel, he's so fucking adorable."

Gerard was Skyping Melanie at two in the morning because, well, why the fuck not? She was just dying to know what happened between him and Frank, and she practically spat water all over the screen when Gerard told her what had happened.

"So, are you two, like, a thing now?" she asked, reaching her hand into a bag of Goldfish.

"I mean, we haven't confirmed it, but I'm 99.9% sure," Gerard said.

"Nice. Hey, how's little Mikey been doing?"

"He's great, actually. I think he has a boyfriend."

"Oh my gosh, who?"

"First of all, how the fuck would you know an 8th grader from New Jersey? Second of all, his name's Pete and he seems hella nice. Plus, Mikey seems head-over-heels for him. In fact, I think he's at Pete's house right now," Gerard said.

"That's fucking adorable."


Mikey was not, in fact, at Pete's house.

He was sitting on, you guessed it: the monkey bars. Patrick was next to him, and he hadn't really said anything yet.

"Why am I here?" Mikey asked, not looking at Patrick.

However, he didn't receive an answer. Patrick leaned over and hugged Mikey. Patrick didn't like Mikey very much--he did kind of steal his boyfriend--but he was lonely and sad and upset, and he just really fucking needed a hug. He didn't care if Mikey pushed him off the monkey bars, he just needed contact with another human for at least three seconds. But Mikey didn't push him off.

Mikey held on to Patrick, and the shorter boy clung tightly to his arms.

"Sorry, I just...really fucking needed a hug," Patrick said.

"It's fine, man. I get that way sometimes, too." 

"Yeah, but you have a boyfriend that'll hug you," Patrick said under his breath.

"Oh my God, is that what this is about?" Mikey said, his expression softening.

"I dunno, I just didn't have anyone else to turn to, and this breakup is really fucking rough, you know?"

"Yeah, I get it. Especially since the situation of why you broke up," Mikey said, realizing just now how much this probably sucks for Patrick.

"To be completely honest, I never wanted to see you ever again. When Pete told me he was breaking up with me, I just knew he liked you instead of me. I knew something was going on between you two the first day you sat at my table. And that's another thing; Pete broke up with me over text, that bitch. Like, he could have at least said it to my face, you know?" 

"When Pete told me he was going out with you, I was heartbroken. I was confused. I was angry. I was upset. But most of all, I just wanted a fucking hug, you know? And he was my only friend, so I had nobody else to talk to. Is that how you're feeling right now?" Mikey asked. Patrick looked up at him, and his expression alone answered Mikey's question. He looked like he was holding back tears, his hair was a mess, and he looked paler than usual. Although Mikey had never particularly been a big fan of Patrick, at that moment, he felt extremely sorry for him, about what he'd been through since Pete moved here.

"Can I...can I have another hug? I fucking hate you, but I really need another one."

yes i updated

holy shit its been a week since i updated and im fucking tired

also holy shit 1.8k i dont deserve this you guys are fucking amazing

i have no idea when im going to end this 

it might end up being longer than the order of the phoenix or something oh dear

vote/comment if you want lmao 


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