this whole chapter is petekey whoops

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Mikey rolled over in bed, slamming his fist down on the alarm clock, and groaned. Rubbing the eye goobers, or whatever the fuck they're called, out of his eyes, he stood up and started to get dressed. Once he pulled on a semi-clean t-shirt and some skinny jeans he found on the floor, he looked at himself in the mirror, and repeated his daily mantra twice in his head. He'd taken a math test the day before, and his stomach was in knots the entire night. Mikey tended to worry a lot; about school, about his friends...well, friend, and especially about test scores. Sure, the psychologist called it "severe general anxiety disorder" and that he "should probably take medication to control it," but his parents disagreed with the doctor. You know, the trained professional. Of course, Mikey didn't have a say in any of this, so he's learned to deal with his anxiety on his own, since his parents also didn't think that he needed a therapist or psychologist to talk to. 

Mikey finally went downstairs, gripping the handrail tightly. When he got to the downstairs bathroom, he opened the cabinet, in search of some Tums. Pulling out the dusty bottle, Mikey chewed 2 of the tablets. He took one last deep breath, and left for school early, his stomach churning too much to even think about breakfast.


Pete knew something was up with Mikey as soon as he walked into math class. He didn't give the usual wave or smile, and he put his head down on the desk almost the second he sat down.

"Hey, Mikey, are you okay?" Pete asked, concern in his voice.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine..."

"Don't bullshit me, Mikey."

"Fine. I mean, I guess I'm just...just a little nervous about our tests."

"A little? You're paler than usual, and that's saying something. Listen, I'm sure you did fine; you're like, one of the smartest kids in our class." Pete leaned towards his friend, and Mikey put his head on Pete's shoulder. Pete shivered, even though the room was at least 75 degrees. The door to the classroom flung open, and the teacher burst into the room. Mikey bolted upright, and Pete sat up straight.

"Alright, I'm going to pass back your tests. Your grades are yours and yours alone, and don't feel obligated to share your score with anyone." 

As the papers began to get passed back, Pete heard lots of people whispering

"Yes! Oh my god, perfect!" Also, he heard a few moaning

"nOOO! whYYY?"

Finally, Pete got his test back, and so did Mikey. He was surprised to see he received an 86, considering the fact that he looked over his notes for two minutes the day of the test. Grinning, he looked over at Mikey. However, his smile faded once he saw Mikey. He was trembling a little, and seemed like he was holding back tears. Mikey raised his hand.

"M-may I go to the bathroom?"

The teacher nodded, and Mikey bolted out on the room. Pete stood up not soon after and, without asking the teacher, went to find Mikey.


Mikey was shaking uncontrollably on the disgusting bathroom floor, silently sobbing. He knew this shouldn't be a big deal, that it wasn't a big deal, but he was fucked up in the head, and petty things such as test scored bothered him in such a way that he was actually sitting on a bathroom floor. 

"Mikey? Come on, I know you're in here."

It was Pete. Mikey stopped crying, and attempted to wipe his eyes. Suddenly, he saw Pete's head poke underneath the door. 

"Unlock this fucking door, Mikey Way, or I'm crawling under. Please don't make me do that." Reluctantly, Mikey got up and unlocked the stall door, and Pete walked in. He sat down next to the shaking Mikey, and pulled him into a hug.

"What happened?" Pete asked. Mikey took a shuddering breath.

"A 52. I got a fucking 52 on my test. My final grade is going to go down, then I'm not going to make it into a good math class next year because my class average will be down. Then I won't get into a good college because I won't be in a good math class and th-"

"MIKEY. Calm down. Middle school grades don't matter when colleges are looking through applications. And are you planning on being a math major? Because if not, this whole test shouldn't matter," Pete said quietly, Mikey leaning into him more.

"It's just...I'm messed up in the head, like completely fucked up, and I can't help but worry about this stuff and if you don't want to hang out with me because you've seen this side of me, I wouldn't blame you," Mikey said, talking into Pete's shoulder.

"It's okay, Mikey. I'm pretty fucked up as well. And I won't just abandon you. I care about you too much to do that," Pete said. Mikey answered by hugging Pete tighter, which, in Pete's opinion, was way better than anything Mikey could have said. 

Pete had to break the silence, once he realized that they've both been out of class for at least 10 minutes.

"Hey, um, we should probably go back to class..." Pete said, still hugging his friend. Reluctantly, Mikey broke away and stood up to go rinse his face off, since his eyes were crimson and puffy.

The two walked back to class, hand in hand, not caring about anything but each other.

Hey guys yes yes this chapter is shorter than usual mostly because I just wanted this to be a cute lil petekey chapter. Also its 2 am where I am so wOw.

Vote/comment and shit if you want to



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