He Doesn't Want the Diddly Doo

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Pete and Mikey walked down the abandoned halls, their sneakers quietly squeaking.

"Do you think we'll get yelled at for talking?" Mikey asked.

"Nah. If it's anything like on TV, the teacher will be tortured by the other kids," Pete said reassuringly.

"But why should I believe what's on TV?"

"Listen, I'm trying my best to help you out here, because you're shaking really fucking hard, man. Also, we're here." Pete pointed to the door of the classroom they'd be in for an hour, doing who-knows-what.

The two pushed open the creaky door, and Mikey braced himself for what lay ahead. Surprisingly, nobody was in there except a teacher. He was grading papers, slashing F's and B's across the tests.

"Are you two...Peter and Michael?" the teacher said as he approached them. Mikey gave a feeble nod.

"Well, when I'm in charge of detention, I don't feel like you kids should just sit around and talk. I believe you should be put to work. Since you were late, you don't have the option to choose jobs. The only one left is cleaning the boys' bathroom. Your supplies are waiting there. Now go."

Pete grabbed Mikey by the hand and pulled him out of the room. The two entered the bathroom, and saw buckets of soapy water, a couple sponges, and some toothbrushes. Mikey gagged; the floor was covered with water, or maybe pee; he wasn't sure. One of the urinals had a suspicious brown stain across the front.  

"How romantic," Pete said, looking at the not-quite pristine bathroom. Mikey looked over, surprised by the comment, but Pete had already begun to grab a sponge.


"Come on, meme trash, get your ass up here," Jamia yelled to Gerard as she saw him come into view. Gerard broke into a run. Well, more like the waddle of a one legged-penguin. But that's beside the point.

"Can we drop the meme talk and get serious?" Gerard asked. Frank and Jamia exchanged looks, then Frank laughed so hard he almost fell off of the monkey bars. Jamia, however, did fall off.

"Goddamn. It seems like every other day someone falls off of these things," she said, brushing the dirt off of her skinny jeans.

"Well, it does say the intended age group for this playground is 5-12, and I'll bet they didn't assume the kids would be tall enough to climb up here," Frank added.

"Frank, you're, like, 2 inches taller than the average 12 year old," Gerard said. He instantly regretted it.

"True," Frank said.

 Jamia finally managed to get back on, pulling her phone out of her pocket. She began to type something, smashing the keys with anger.

"Who are you sending a strongly worded text to?" Frank asked, looking over Jamia's shoulder.

"Lindsey. Does she not understand that I can have other friends?" she said, furiously hitting send and shoving her phone into her pocket.

"Wait; Lindsey Ballato?" Gerard asked. The other two nodded.

"Can you tell her that I'm not interested in her?"

"Hold on...YOU'RE the 'mystery guy' she wants to hook up with?" Jamia asked, eyes widening and grinning slightly. He gave a feeble nod.

"Why aren't you interested? She's not bad looking, if I do say so myself. I wouldn't date her, though," Frank said.

"Well, I am gay as hell, so..." Gerard said, trailing off. Jamia looked at Frank, who looked back into her brown eyes. 

Frank looked back at Gerard, back at Jamia, and then promptly fell off of the monkey bars.


"OOOOOH, WE'RE HALFWAY THERE, ooooOOOOOOh," Pete screamed loudly, looking at the bathroom.

"Can you explain what the hell that was? But please, be a little louder; I think I've gone deaf in my right ear."

"The bathroom is halfway cleaned. Duh," Pete said, walking over to what they had to do to finish their job: the urinals.

"You're such band trash," Mikey said, picking the cleanest urinal to start scrubbing with a toothbrush.

"The good kind or trash or the sad kind?"

"The good kind," Mikey said, leaning onto Pete's shoulder. Pete stood up suddenly, his toothbrush clattering to the floor.

"Goddamn it, Mikey! Can you stop being so fucking adorable?" 


"You heard me Mikey...you're too fucking cute. And honestly, kind of oblivious. You haven't picked up on the little things I've said, the little things I've done. I'd bet that you haven't even considered the fact that I might like you. And no, not in a friend way. In a 'holy shit Mikey Way you're so fucking adorable' kind of way," Pete said, pacing around the freshly cleaned floor. 

Mikey looked at Pete. Pete's scowl instantly turned into a blush. 

"I-I...I'm sorry."

Mikey was still sitting, cleaning a urinal, when Pete walked silently out of the bathroom.


Frank was sitting on a park bench, sandwiched between Jamia and Gerard. All three of them had concluded that two falls in one day was a sign that maybe the teenagers should get off of the monkey bars made for kids. Gerard's hand was warm, resting on Frank's leg softly. Jamia was still texting Lindsey, reading her friend's responses aloud.

"Get a load of this: 'Are you sure Gerard isn't into me?' Goddamn, what part of 'he's hella gay' doesn't she understand?" 

"Tell her again that I'm NOT INTERESTED." Gerard said, stomping his foot on the ground, not unlike a toddler. 

"So, are you actually gay, or are you one of those guys who says that because he doesn't want to date a girl?" Frank piped up.

"Nah; I'm actually gay. Speaking of which, as I want to be polite, what are your sexualities and preferred pronouns?" Gerard asked, making Frank's heart actually melt.

"Um, I use he and him, and I'm biroma- I mean, bisexual," Frank said. He didn't feel like explaining his sexuality again and again. He knew he should be honest with Gerard, but he didn't want to go on and on about not wanting the diddly doo.

"She and her. Demisexual."

"Nice. I use he and him, and I'm gay. Homosexual. Man who likes men," Gerard said, giggling.

Frank smiled. He couldn't believe that, maybe, possibly, he might have a shred of a chance to date Gerard fucking Way. 

Hey friends yes i didn't die hahahaha : )))))

i procrastinated too much but look you have a chapter that took me 2 weeks to finish. i basically couldnt get pete to tell mikey he likes him. also there might be some foreshadowing in this chapter yes im so sneaky im not telling you where it is.

vote/comment if you want to 

yo ok i wanna have a lil question thing at the end of chapters if i remember ok lol

?what are you doing on halloween?

I'm going to my friends house and handing out candy and watching a movie and sleeping over 

have a gr8 day/night m8s

~tttato m8ooo

You're a Snarky Little Shit (Frerard, Petekey)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang