This is Not the Time for Your Weird Kinks

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Frank stood on Gerard's porch, absentmindedly turning his phone on and off. Gerard hadn't come to school in a week. It was normal to grieve and all, since he was a human being and not a soulless monster, but Frank begun to get worried, being his friend and sort-of-boyfriend-but-never-got-a-clear-answer person (and he was sure he wasn't going to get an answer any time soon).

He finally hit the doorbell, and was surprised to see someone other than Mikey at the door, since it was usually him that let Frank into the house. Frank was 99% sure the woman that opened the door was Mrs. Way, but he'd never officially met her.

"Always working," Gerard had said one day when he asked about her.

Frank could see parts of Gerard's face in her, mostly her nose. Dark bags fell under her eyes, and her hair looked as if it wasn't brushed in a couple days, which Frank had no problem with, seeing as he hadn't washed his hair in 3 days.

"Oh. Gerard's in his room. Good luck getting him out," she said, walking back from the door and retreating to a dark room, presumably hers. 

Frank knocked on Gerard's door, trying not to look at Mikey's door. He heard a muffled reply, something along the lines of "go away, mom."

"If anything, I'd be your dad. Possibly your daddy."

"Now is not the time for your weird kinks, Frank. And yes, I know you don't have kinks because of the whole 'not wanting to get fucked' thing."

"So, um, can I come in?" Frank said, hopefulness in his voice. He heard a prolonged sigh, but finally the sound of a lock opening. Frank walked into the room, and saw paper plates with food that looked days old, books scattered across the floor haphazardly (a lot of them being about hummingbirds), and Gerard, sliding back into bed and into a cocoon of blankets.

"Listen, I know you're not gonna want to hear this, but you should probably come back to school," Frank started, sitting on the bed and scooting next to Gerard. Gerard made a small movement, just barely putting his head on Frank's shoulder.

"I dunno, man," Gerard said, trying to push Mikey's letter out of his mind; the part where he told him to keep going to school.

"You're going to fail if you don't," Frank said, becoming slightly more serious, "and you don't want to fail senior year! After this, you're done!"

"What's after that, Frank? What's after senior year? College! Where I have to sit and rot in another hell-hole for at least four more years, all for some shitty, framed piece of paper to say 'Hey, I've achieved something in life!' I'll probably never see you again, only if we get into the same college. I'll lose all of my friends here, make new friends who don't know the old Gerard, the Gerard before this happened!" Gerard said, throwing his hands up in anger, standing up and starting to pace

"Gerard, liste-"

"No, you listen! Then, I go through my adult life, doing the same job, living in the same, most likely shitty, apartment, and eating ramen and mac and cheese for years. No one will hear from me, no one will care, and no one will notice! Then, I might get married, if I could find someone to put up with all my bullshit. Doubtful, but there's always a chance. More years of my life just working and coming home. Then retirement comes, then I sit and rot in my house until I die, where there will be nobody left to come to my funeral, nobody to see me go. My parents would be long gone by then, and Mikey... So I'll sit underground, wasting away, forgotten like everyone else that's died."

"Don't talk like that! It's your turn to listen. Did it ever cross your mind as you were wallowing in sorrow that maybe there are people who care about you? People who don't want to see you mope around? People who understand that, yeah, your brother died, but is this what he would have wanted? Would it make Mikey happy to hear you say that nobody cares? Because, newsflash, I care, Gerard. A whole fucking lot. And if you can't see that, fine. I won't make you. Just know that, you're important to me. Really, really important."

"Frank, I-"

"No. I'm leaving. Call me when you get your head on straight."


You'll be okay.

Three words. 11 letters. One period. One apostrophe. Sloppily written, the paper hastily torn out of a spiral bound notebook. Thrown into a box. His name scrawled across the lid.

Those three words were enough to send Patrick's mind racing. Those three words were enough to have Patrick on the brink of tears. Those three words were enough to have Patrick sit in his room for hours, staring at a wall. After three hours of silence, Patrick took a long, shaky breath.

"He cared," he rasped, his throat dry.

He'd always thought of Mikey as someone who'd always wanted to steal him away from Pete. It sounded like a scenario between three friends in second grade, but whatever. After the note, and the drawings, and this fucking slip of paper, Patrick didn't know what to think or how to feel. 

The slip of paper was hung underneath his favorite drawing. It showed him, Pete, and Mikey under Pete's tree as if you were looking above them, through the leaves. 

Patrick tried to shake it off, tried to shake the feelings he kept getting. Besides, he had homework to do.


Pete always wondered why his tree was called a Weeping Willow. It was most likely because the leaves and branches hung all droopy, and it could be seen as someone weeping. 

Today, Pete had taken the term "Weeping Willow" to a whole new level. He'd sat under there, from 2 am until 5 am, letting it all out. He'd cried the day that Mikey died, of course, but not as hard as this. He assumed it was because he'd come to the realization that Mikey was gone. 


His classes became dull without someone to whisper jokes to under his breath, lunch seemed to go on forever, and everyone came up to him and gave him sympathy. Pete didn't want sympathy. 

He just wanted Mikey back.


gerard was channeling his inner dan howell a lil bit tbh but whatever

anyway i started a new story called Group Chat and i update it every day wow go me

also i have a book called Dumb Fanfic Moments which would be rad if you checked out but tbh im not a cop you can do whatever you want m8 

vote/comment if ya want bc i love your comments they make me smile but also make me cry (person that commented the intro to brother im lookin at y o u)

im outta here yall

peace peace peace


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